802.4 - Capital Assets

802.4 - Capital Assets

The school district will establish and maintain a capital assets management system for reporting capitalized assets owned or under the jurisdiction of the school district in its financial reports in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as required or modified by law; to improve the school district's oversight of capital assets by assigning and recording them to specific facilities and programs and to provide for proof of loss of capital assets for insurance purposes.

Capital assets, including tangible and intangible assets, are reported in the government-wide financial statements (i.e.governmental activities and business-type activities) and the proprietary fund financial statements. Capital assets reported include school district buildings and sites, construction in progress, improvements other than buildings and sites, land and machinery and equipment. Capital assets reported in the financial reports will include individual capital assets with a historical cost equal to or greater than $5,000, except for intangible right-to-use lease assets. The Federal regulations governing school lunch programs require capital assets attributable to the school lunch program with a historical cost of equal to or greater than $500 be capitalized. Additionally, capital assets are depreciated over the useful life of each capital asset as as specified in policy 802.4CS.

All intangible assets, except for intangible right-to-use lease assets with a purchase price equal to or greater than $100,000 with a useful life of two or more years, are included in the intangible asset inventory for capitalization purposes. Such assets are recorded at actual historical cost and amortized over the designated useful lifetime applying a straight-line method of depreciation. If there are no legal, contractual, regulatory, technological or other factors that limit the useful life of the asset, then the intangible asset needs to be considered to have an indefinite useful life and no amortization should be recorded.

If an intangible asset that meets the threshold criteria is fully amortized, the asset must be reported at the historical cost and the applicable accumulated amortization must also be reported. It is not appropriate to "net" the capital asset and amortization to avoid reporting. For internally generated intangible assets, outlays incurred by the government's personnel, or by a third-party contractor on behalf of the government, and for development of internally generated intangible assets should be capitalized.

The district recognizes the importance of classifying leases of intangible assets as assets or liabilities in financial statements.  When operating as a lessor, the district will recognize a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset.  When operating as a lessee, the district will recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources consistent with the requirements established in GASB 87. 

The District recognizes a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset with an initial value of $50,000 or more. At the commencement of a lease, the District initially measures the lease liability at the present value of payments expected to be made during the lease term.  Subsequently, the lease liability is reduced by the principal portion of lease payments made.  The lease asset is initially measured as the initial amount of the lease liability, adjusted for lease payments made at or before the lease commencement date plus certain initial direct costs to place the asset in service.  The lease asset is then amortized on a straight-line basis over the life of the lease.

The capital assets management system must be updated monthly to account for the addition/acquisition, disposal, relocation/transfer of capital assets. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to count and reconcile the capital assets with capital assets management system on June 30 each year.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations implementing this policy. It will also be the responsibility of the superintendent to educate employees about this policy and its supporting administrative regulations.

Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 257.31(4); 279.8; 297.22-.25; 298A.

Cross Reference:
709 Insurance Program
701.3 Financial Records

Reviewed: 11-20-23
Revised: 11-20-23


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 06/24/2022 - 20:19

802.4CS- Inventory and Fixed Assets

802.4CS- Inventory and Fixed Assets

For insurance purposes, a perpetual inventory of the furniture, equipment, and other non-consumable items other than real property of the school district will be maintained under the supervision of the superintendent [or designee].

In addition, a separate fixed asset listing will be maintained for all governmental funds, in accordance with GASB 34. All fixed assets, both tangible and intangible, are accounted for at cost, or if cost is not determinable at estimated cost. Donated fixed assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the time received. Tangible fixed assets include buildings, land, land improvements, artwork, construction in progress, and machinery and equipment. Machinery and equipment with a historical cost equal to or greater than $5,000, will be capitalized. All listed fixed assets will be depreciated over the useful life of each fixed asset per the schedule listed below.

Class Description

Useful Life


50 years

Site Improvements

20 years

Outdoor Equipment

20 years

Roof Replacements

20 years

Audiovisual Equipment

10 years

Machinery and Tools

15 years


5 years

Communications Equipment

10 years

Furniture and Accessories

20 years

Licensed Vehicles

8 years

Athletic Equipment

10 years

Custodial Equipment and Appliances

15 years

Musical Instruments

10 years


All equipment used by employees or students to meet the educational mission of the district must be tagged in a manner to identify them as permanent property of the Central Springs Community School District.

Nutrition Fund fixed assets with a historical cost equal to or greater than $500 will be capitalized and depreciated over 12 years. Computer and technology assets purchased by the Nutrition Fund will be depreciated over five years. A straight-line depreciation method will be used, and assets will be depreciated for a full year in the year of acquisition. An annual inventory will be maintained on consumable property within the Nutrition Services program.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent [or designee] to develop a process for the implementation of this policy.


Legal Reference:

Iowa Code §§ 257.31(4); 279.8; 297.22-.25; 298A.


Cross Reference:

709 Insurance Program

701.3 Financial Records

802.4 Capital Assets

Approved: 07-12-22 



kheidemann@cen… Thu, 07/14/2022 - 08:40