Board Minutes - 2022.10.17
Board Minutes - 2022.10.17Unapproved CENTRAL SPRINGS SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES – October 17, 2022
The Central Springs School Board met Superintendent Lehmann at 5:00 pm for a facilities tour of the High School campus in Manly.
The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on October 17, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members present were Joe Rowe, Jean Schilling, and Lori Ginapp. Ashley Kohler was absent. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, and Ethan Miller, and Bill Shafer and Lisa Arians attended via Zoom.
Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. There were no Public Comments.
Administrative reports were heard from Principal Carlson who shared that the FAST assessments were done and the fall scores look great, tomorrow will be a Data Dig Day where several staff members will work on evaluating the test score data, and he would like to put a plug in for much needed bus drivers, Principal Estes reiterated that the TLC leaders will be looking at the data tomorrow, our 1st quarter ends this week, A.D. Miller reported on the fall sports activities as they finish up their seasons, we will again be hosting a cross country district meet here on Thursday, the girls co-op wrestling team is being organized, and Principal Estes also shared that the FFA Leadership Team will be traveling to Indianapolis next week.
Superintendent Lehmann asked the Board to jump to item 7b of the agenda – Girl’s Wrestling Cooperative Sharing Agreement. This agreement is between Northwood-Kensett, St. Ansgar, Forest City, Lake Mills and the Central Springs school districts with Northwood-Kensett holding the contract and being the central location. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the Girl’s Wrestling Cooperative Sharing Agreement as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Principal Estes and A.D. Miller left the meeting.
Superintendent Lehmann reminded the Board of the IASB Convention coming up in November, NIACC will be hosting a legislative breakfast on November 15th, he reported that the audit and the exit interview went well, certified enrollment is completed and while our numbers are down from last year, they are better than first anticipated, the branding project has been completed and will move forward to create outdoor signage promoting the school district, and the family JMC app will roll out the first part of November and will include a virtual backpack for parents.
For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the minutes from the September 19th board meeting, to approve a contract for Kaylee Parks as an elementary special education teacher for 2nd semester in Manly, to approve a contract for Amber Brown as paraprofessional in Nora Springs, to approve a contract for Will Bartz as the Manly auditorium sound tech, to approve the contract adjustment for Lee Gealow due to a lane advancement, to approve the resignations of Becky McEnany and Martina Greenzweig as Paraprofessionals (NS), and Heather Yezek as van driver (NS), and to approve the fundraising requests as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
There wasn’t any Old Business.
In New Business motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the standard review of Board Policies 402.1, 402.2, 402.3, 402.4, and 402.6. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Certified Annual Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the Special Education Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Annual Transportation Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann had nothing new to report as the big financial reports and the audit are completed, everything else is on track. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $97,675.69, Management - $1,852.00, SAVE - $79,841.15, Activity - $41,560.70, and Nutrition - $33,310.18. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. The Board went into an exempt session to set up strategy for the negotiation process with the Central Springs Education Association according to Iowa Code 20.17(3).
Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School library.
Respectfully Submitted,
_________________________________ ______________________________ Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary