Board Minutes - 2023.07.11
Board Minutes - 2023.07.11Unapproved CENTRAL SPRINGS SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES – July 11, 2023
The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs on July 11, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members present were Jean Schilling, Lori Ginapp, Ashley Kohler, and Joe Rowe. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Sara Meinders, and Nancy Lund attended electronically.
Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of 7-k. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no public comments.
For administrative reports, Superintendent Lehmann introduced Sara Meinders who will be our shared SBO. She has already started working with Secretary Mellmann and HR Director Brooke Johnson, and will help streamline state reports as well as other operations in the business office. The IASB convention will be held Nov 15-17, the Employee Clothing Store is open online, there have been 2,485 meals served in June through the SFSP, summer cleaning is continuing with the crew now working in Manly, roof work is done on the Nora Springs library section, track resurfacing is completed, NS boiler work is done, HS restroom and the HS asphalt parking lot work will begin this week, and the fence between the golf course and our grounds has been installed.
For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the board minutes for the June 19th regular board meeting, to approve the resignation of Becky Miller as HS Girls Track Coach pending a suitable replacement being found, and to thank the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa for their $1000 donation to the nutrition program. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no Old Business.
In New Business, there was discussion concerning graduation requirements, and the wording in policy 605.1R1. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the IASB quarterly update to Board policies 104, 104.R1, 402.2, 402.5 (new), 408.1, 503.7 (new), 503.7E1 (new), 503.7E2 (new), 505.4, 601.1, 603.5, 605.1R1 changing the word “positive” to “objective”, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1, 605.3E5 (new), 605.5, and to approve the graduation requirements. Motion carried unanimously.
The 2023-24 Legislative priorities were reviewed. An RSAI survey was shared. After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the following as our top priorities:
1. Supplemental State Aid
2. Mental Health
3. Drop Out Prevention
4. School Choice/Oversight Public Education
Motion carried unanimously.
A resolution ordering election for a Voted Physical Plan and Equipment Property Tax and Income Surtax was reviewed. After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the resolution for the voted PPEL which will be put on the September 12th ballot. Ayes – Luett, Ginapp, Kohler, Rowe, and Schilling. Motion carried unanimously. A copy of the resolution may be viewed in the Central Springs business office in Manly.
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Nora Springs Rockford Register and the Manly Junction Signal as our official publication newspapers. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to appoint our Level 1 and Alternate Level 1 investigators as Brooke Brunsvold, Rob Hoffman, and Ken Estes, and our Level 2 investigators as Aaron Pals and the individuals on the AEA list as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to appoint Ahlers & Cooney as our legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.
After discussion, motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the sharing agreement of Communication Director with Forest City CSD as presented with the correction of wording under 1. Term, Article 4. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve 1st Security Bank and Trust with a limit of $6,000,000 as our depository bank. Motion carried unanimously.
Financial statements were presented. The sale of vehicles from last month has been finalized and titles transferred, school supplies for this fall were ordered by secretaries this past week, yearend expenditures have been updated but will continue to pay accrued expenses until August 30th. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $407,649.21, Management - $138,548.60, SAVE - $75,807.02, PPEL - $1,403.13, Activity - $6,526.60and Nutrition - $7,361.08. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Suggestions for the August 21st board meeting to be held in Manly include handbooks, school conference, and PPEL.
The Board went into a closed session at 6:51 pm to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa code 21.5(1)(i). The Board came out of closed session at 8:02 pm.
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Jean Schilling, Vice-President