Board Minutes - 2023.09.18

Board Minutes - 2023.09.18


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on September 18, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other  Board members present were Jean Schilling, Lori Ginapp, and Ashley Kohler. Joe Rowe arrived at 5:33 pm. Also  present were Superintendent Lehmann, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, and Nancy Lund. Lisa Arians  attended electronically.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

For Public Comments Lori Jost stopped in prior to the meeting to thank the Board for the new middle school bleachers –  they are a great addition to the gym and are appreciated by everyone.  

In Administrative Reports, Principal Hoffman commented that the year is off and running, the bleachers are done and are  now handicap accessible and easier to manipulate, fall middle school sports show 61% participation – the highest rate to  date, Principal Brunsvold reported that the elementary is off to a good start, preschool is now in session, she was able to  attend the Ag-Fair in Northwood with the students and reported what an awesome event, and the elementary is currently  

finishing up FAST testing, Principal Estes shared that the staff will be working with the ISASP data they’ve received, our  professional development plans this year are focused on increasing student achievement for K-12 students, Homecoming  is scheduled for this next week, we will also be hosting a home cross country meet next week, and plans are being made to  hold a Suicide Awareness Day on Oct. 3rd, Superintendent Lehmann reported that we will also be hosting a state  qualifying cross country meet on Oct 19th so will have a 2:05 dismissal to prepare, he shared a letter from Superintendent  Joe Erickson who attended the August 17th PD day here with Dylan William speaking on Formative Assessment, he  mentioned the ISASP Student Achievement Scores are in and look good, initial enrollment numbers are being gathered,  the September E-newsletter was opened by 74% of the people it was sent to which is a strong number, he shared numbers  of the Summer Food Program in Nora Springs and thanked the Adams Family Foundation for funding this program for us,  the administration is organizing PD for the paras for our Wednesday early dismissal, and the Revenue Purpose Statement  Election was mentioned.  

An addition to the Consent Agenda is a fall fundraising request by Cole Younger. Motion was made by Schilling,  seconded by Rowe to approve the board minutes for the August 21st regular board meeting and the August 30th special  board meeting, to approve employee contracts for Kipp Beyer as middle school cross country coach, Trenton Wirtjes as  middle school boys basketball coach, to approve a zero-period contract addition for Belinda Nelson as high school special  education teacher, to approve a contract adjustment for Kipp Beyer moving from BA to BA+15, to approve resignations  from Holly Main as middle school cross country coach, Rob Hoffman as middle school boys basketball coach, and Kris  Brass as Daycare Para in Nora Springs, and to approve the fundraising request of Cole Younger. Motion carried  unanimously. 

For Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann shared information about the Voted PPEL election, missing the vote by 9.  After discussion it was decided to table for a couple of months any further action towards another election.  

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the standard policy review of Board  Policies 412.1, 412.2, 412.3, 412.4. Motion carried unanimously.  


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to increase our substitute pay rates for cook to $11.00, adult custodian  to $12.00, and summer mowing to $10.00 for mowing only. Roll call vote: Schilling – abstain, Rowe – aye, Ginapp –  aye, Kohler – aye, Luett – aye. Motion carried.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the District to request spending authority from the SBRC  for our FY23 Special Education Deficit in the amount of $577,440.00. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the District to post a Public Hearing Notice in October  concerning our Flex Account transactions. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the job description for the District Office Administrative  Assistant/Board Secretary. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were presented. FY23 state reports are finished and certified, audit is scheduled for September 21  and 22 and would like a board member to be available for the exit interview on Friday. Jean Schilling or Ashley Kohler  will attend. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to accept the financial reports as presented. Motion  carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $182,489.23, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $261,535.58,  Activity - $25,900.46, Nutrition - $18,941.45. After discussion motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to  approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Suggestions for the October 16, 2023 Board Meeting include the public hearing for the flex spending account, an update  on the stop signs for Nora Springs.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:22 p.m.  

Our next board meeting will be held October 16th in the High School library in Manly.  

Respectfully Submitted, 

_________________________________ ______________________________  Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 09/19/2023 - 10:00