Board Minutes - 2024.01.15

Board Minutes - 2024.01.15


The public hearing for the 2024-2025 school calendar was opened at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean  Schilling. The proposed calendar has a start date of August 23, 2024 and an ending date of May 23,  2025. There being no public comments the hearing was closed at 6:01 p.m.  

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle  School Library in Nora Springs on January 15, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by  President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Joe Rowe, Josh Berman, Ashley Kohler,  and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Brooke Brunsvold, and Bill  Shafer.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried  unanimously.  

There were no Public Comments.  

In Administrative Reports, President Schilling shared that she has heard general public statements  concerning safety, security, and mental health, and wants to thank our admin and their resources as  they handle situations that arise, and is reminded of the saying ‘if you see something harmful, do  something helpful’, Principal Hoffman reported that the middle school is working on building climate  using Character Strong, focusing on emotions, just completed an exercise Thanks for Being a Buddy  which collected almost 1300 positive interaction notes, and then gave an informative overview of the  safety plans, their development and training that is in place at Central Springs, Principal Brunsvold  informed the Board that preschool registration will be opening soon in the next 2 to 3 weeks, teachers are attempting to do mid-year testing between snow days, and elementary is planning a Bingo for Books  activity for students and parents, Superintendent Lehmann voiced appreciation for the admin’s help this  past weekend as well as the resources who were involved including the AEA and local law enforcement,  he shared information about the IASB Day on the Hill, RSAI, update on other legislative items, and  facilities and transportation spreadsheets.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from  the December 18, 2023 board meeting, and to acknowledge a $250 donation from Manly Development  for elementary PE equipment. Motion carried unanimously.  

In Old Business, the Board Committee structures were discussed. Board member assignments are as  follows: Certified Negotiation Committee – Berman & Schilling, Calendar Committee – Kohler & Arthur,  SIAC Committee – Berman & Rowe, IASB Delegate Assembly – Schilling, County Committee – Rowe  (Worth), Kohler (Floyd), Communications – Kohler & Schilling, Facilities and Transportation – Rowe &  Berman.  

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the standard policy review  of Board Policies 502.1, 502.2, 502.3, 502.3R1, 502.4, 502.5, 502.6, and the review of Board Policy  705.4R1. Aye votes: Rowe, Berman, Arthur, Schilling, Nay vote: Kohler. Motion carried.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to accept the quote from Hoglund Bus Company in the  amount of $64,495 for school bus cameras, paid in large part by a donation from WCDA. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Berman to accept the quote from Harty Mechanical in the  amount of $52,129 for Phase III of the Nora Springs HVAC Controls Project. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Discussion was held concerning the voted PPEL. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to  move forward with a voted PPEL on the September ballot. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were presented. A few Forecast Five reports generated by Sara Meinders were  shared that showed revenues and expenditures both monthly and year to date. The Board agreed they  would like to continue to see these reports. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve  the statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $351,720.64, Management - $1,458.00, SAVE -  $9,900.23, PPEL - $4,838.49, Trust - $1,000.00, Activity - $40,433.21, Nutrition - $20,239.24. Motion was  made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Rowe – aye,  Kohler – aye, Arthur – aye, Schilling – aye, Berman abstained. Motion carried.  

Suggestions for the February 19, 2024 Board meeting include a look at sub teacher costs.  Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m.  

The Board went into an exempt session under Iowa Code 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations, strategy  meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of  arbitration.  

The Board came out of closed session at 9:30 p.m.  

Our next board meeting will be held February 19, 2024 in the High School library in Manly beginning at 6:00 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  Jean Schilling, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 01/16/2024 - 17:19