Board Minutes - 2024.11.18

Board Minutes - 2024.11.18


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on December 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur and Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Communication/HR Director Anna Blair, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Dalcy Lorentzen, Barb Shafer, Deb Hamand, and Roger Wilcox. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Public comment was made by Ashley Kohler regarding the Elementary Music Concert and the amount of positive feedback she has received and a kudos to Miss Day on an outstanding first concert with Central Springs. 

Administrative reports were heard from Board President Schillings who talked about the auditors being on site at the end of November, she also talked about how fast AI is coming and how we decipher from what is real and what is AI generated. Principal Ken Estes shared about winter sports, how the student council went to the Mason City Salvation Army to help sort and display Toys for Tots Christmas gifts. He also mentioned that we had 6 students go to Honor Band at Drake University. Principal Brunsvold submitted a report stating that the new process for daycare drop off and pick up at Nora Springs has had a positive impact. She also mentioned that the annual Turkey Bowling took place in November at the Panther Pride Assembly, which is a favorite for students and staff. Principal Hoffman submitted a report in which he talks about how they implemented “THANKS FOR BEING A BUDDY” where slips were handed to students who were demonstrating positive citizenship. He also stated that the intermediate students held their annual Christmas Store where 4th and 5th graders could purchase new/slightly used items for $0.25 this allows students to purchase gifts for family members while also raising proceeds for those in need. Superintendent Lehmann provided an update on the conference alignment, gave an overview on what we currently have for Operational Sharing, and shared the vehicle purchases that we have made with the Grant for WCDA. He also talked about HUDL TV, the ParaEducator Certification, and the Iowa LGRP Annual Report. 

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2024 regular board meeting. To approve the contract for Laci Rye, Paraeducator, and the employee resignations from Elizabeth Larson, Paraeducator; Kaylee Heagel, Assistant Volleyball Coach; Elizabeth Asfahl, High School Science. Motion carried unanimously. 

In New Business a motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $276,643.34, Management- $35,623.50, SAVE- $15,068.85 PPEL - $2,493.59 Activity - $24,877.86, Nutrition - $32,239.54. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler. Roll call vote: Schilling - Aye, Rowe - Aye, Kohler - Aye, Arthur - Aye, and Bermen abstained. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 5:23 p.m. 

The Organizational Meeting of the New Board of Directors was called to order by Secretary Jackie Dalluge at 5:24 p.m. Board members in attendance were Ashley Kohler, Jean Schilling, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur, and Josh Berman. 

Nominations for Board President were requested. Jean Schilling was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Schilling, Arthur –Schilling, Rowe – Schilling, Kohler – Schilling, Berman – Schilling. Jean Schilling was elected Board President and was given the Oath of Office. 

Secretary Dalluge turned the meeting over to President-elect Schilling. 

Nominations for Vice-President were requested. Arthur was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Arthur, Arthur – Arthur, Rowe – Arthur, Kohler – Arthur, Berman – Arthur. Sean Arthur was elected Board Vice-President and was given the Oath of Office. 

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and having Nelson Media Company do some videos of the school. They also discussed dates and times of tours for the public at each campus, an talked about what building upkeep and maintenance would be done with a VPPEL. The board also agreed on where they would like polling locations to be for the VPPEL. 

In New Business, Jackie Dalluge was appointed Board Secretary. Roll call vote: Schilling – Dalluge, Arthur – Dalluge, Rowe – Dalluge, Kohler – Dalluge, Berman – Dalluge. Jackie Dalluge was elected Board Secretary and was given the Oath of Office. 

A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to approve the review of Board Policies Standard Policy Review: 600, 601.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and Second by Rowe to approve the District and the Resolution Ordering Election. Roll Call Vote: Schilling-Aye, Kohler-Aye, Berman-Aye, Rowe-Aye, Arthur-Aye 

Phase 4 Controls Proposal for Nora Springs Campus was approved by Kohler and seconded by Arthur. This is for the 4th phase of upgrading the control system at the Nora Springs campus.

This will address 8 classrooms, an exit area, and two restroom areas. The quote for labor and material is $54,815 for this project. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Rowe and Seconded by Arthur to approve the SBRC request in the amount of $267,600 for Open enrollment out not on prior year’s headcount. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and second by Arthur to approve the SBRC request for English Learners (EL) Instruction Beyond 5 years in the amount of $3,678. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the District Developed Service Delivery Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to approve the NIACC Concurrent Enrollment addition of BUS 122 Emerging Business Pract/Tech. Motion carried unanimously. 

Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leadership Services was at the meeting working with the board on the search process and reviewing the survey results. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the SBRC request for the amount of $149,985 for At-Risk/DOP. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Arthur and Seconded by Kohler to approve the request to waive the 90 Day eligibility period for an Open Enrolled Student. Motion carried unanimously. 

Suggestions for the January 20, 2025 board meeting include the continued discussion of VPPEL. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to go into exempt session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) the board went into an exempt session at 8:15 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to come out of the exempt session. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on January 20, 2025 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________      ___________________________________

Jean Schilling, Board President                        Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 11/21/2024 - 09:18