Click on the links below to find board meeting minutes.



Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:48




Click on the links below to find board meeting minutes for the 2022-23 school year.

Jen@iowaschool… Sat, 06/04/2022 - 16:36

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2023.06.02

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2023.06.02


A special meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Board Room in Nora
Springs on June 2, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 11:32 a.m. by Vice-President Jean Schilling. Other Board
members present were Joe Rowe, and Dave Luett attended electronically. Ashley Kohler and Lori Ginapp were absent.
Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Bill Shafer, Josh Bass, and Chris Arians.
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Luett to approve the agenda with the addition of 2 resignations submitted for
approval. Motion carried unanimously.
In New Business motion was made by Luett, seconded by Rowe to adopt the Floyd County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Luett, seconded by Rowe to approve the resignations of Bryan Reiter as Technology Coordinator,
and Val Jorgensen-Lowe as special education teacher upon finding a suitable replacement. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Luett to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board Vice- President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 06/07/2023 - 15:46

Board Minutes (Special Meeting)- 2022.11.28

Board Minutes (Special Meeting)- 2022.11.28

Unapproved CENTRAL SPRINGS SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES – November 28, 2022 A Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Superintendent’s Office in Manly on November 28, 2022.  The meeting was called to order at 1:32 p.m. by President Luett.  Other Board members present were Jean Schilling and Lori Ginapp.  Ashley Kohler and Joe Rowe were absent. Superintendent Lehmann was also present. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. There were no Public Comments. Joe Rowe joined the meeting at 1:34 p.m. by phone. Old Business addressed SBRC Allowable Growth Requests. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the following motion: The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $55,597.50 for the costs to provide instructional services.  Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the following motion: The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of $191,515.50 for open enrolled students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.  Motion carried unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, _________________________________  Lori Ginapp, Board Vice-President   ______________________________ Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Mon, 12/05/2022 - 09:53

Board Minutes - 2022.07.12

Board Minutes - 2022.07.12

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in
Nora Springs on July 12, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board
members present were Lori Ginapp, Jean Schilling, Ashley Kohler, and Joe Rowe. Superintendent Lehmann was also
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no public comments.
There were no administrative reports.
Superintendent Lehmann gave an overview on the branding/marketing plan, an update on the progress with Voc Ag,
summer cleaning is going well, and the HS HVAC project is underway.
For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from the June 20th
board meeting, to approve the open enrolled out request of Eli Despenas, 3rd, Clear Creek Elementary, to approve
contracts for Brian Fessler, Model Teacher, Ethan Miller, Model Teacher, Marena Henkle as .5 music teacher with a one
year contract, and Adra Hill as a middle school special education teacher, and the revised contract with Martha Chancellor
as a shared librarian. Motion carried unanimously.
There wasn’t any Old Business.
In New Business motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the second reading for Policies 710.1E1,
710.1E2, 710.R1, and 802.4CS. Motion carried unanimously.
2023 IASB Legislative Priorities were discussed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to select as IASB
legislative priorities for 2022-2023:
1) School Choice/Vouchers
2) Supplemental State Aid
3) Drop-out/At-Risk Foundation Formula
4) Mental Health Support
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the financial reports as presented. Motion carried
Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $225,829.88, Management - $97,025.29, SAVE - $55,116.88,
PPEL - $11,990.00, Activity - $8,088.34, and Nutrition - $4,633.11. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to
approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m.
Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for August 15, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the Manly High School library.
Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 07/19/2022 - 08:18

Board Minutes - 2022.08.15

Board Minutes - 2022.08.15


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in

Manly on August 15, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members

present were Jean Schilling, Joe Rowe, Lori Ginapp, and Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann,

Rob Hoffman, Ken Estes, Bill Carlson, Laura Cunningham, Christina Hoeft, Derek Straube, Taylor Brown, Jessica Lutz,

Heidi Howe, and Ethan Miller.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Comments were heard from Laura Cunningham who wanted to inform the Board there will be an event at the Lutz

farm on September 7th that will include a committee meeting and fundraiser for the CS Ag program, and the Davison

children are currently selling sweet corn and donating the profits to the Ag program.

Superintendent Lehmann asked the Board to move to agenda item 7k - FFA Membership Application. After discussion

motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling, Ginapp, Kohler, and Luett to approve the Central Springs FFA

Membership Application as presented. Motion carried unanimously. A special thank you was expressed to Laura

Cunningham and her committee for helping to make this program possible. Several public attendees left the meeting.

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Carlson who shared that his staff have been evaluating data, especially

the lit scores, and the scores have shown good improvement, Principal Hoffman wanted to acknowledge the custodial staff

on how great the building looks, are still waiting on some tables and desks to arrive, new teachers started this past week

and are getting settled, Principal Estes pointed out the handbook changes, gave a brief summary of the professional

development plan, SEL, VocAg/FFA, Ethan Miller commented that this is his 12th year as athletic director, our summer

sports programs had successful seasons, he has been working with Kristin H on branding for the district, shot clocks are

being installed, outdoor wifi for HUDL streaming is up and running, and they have received interest in sharing girls

wrestling with neighboring districts. Superintendent Lehmann informed the Board that the IASB conference is scheduled

for Nov 16 & 17 and to let him know if he needs to reserve rooms for anyone, after the census we need to have our

boundaries checked to see if redistricting is needed and would like permission to hire Jodi Flory to do this work for us, the

board gave their approval, due to recent legislative changes he would like to change board policy to allow open

enrollments to be handled as they come in instead of bringing them all to the board, the beginning of the year has started

with staff and he thanked Lori for giving the opening statement, and thanked Jean and Joe for helping to serve the staff

meal, August 23rd will be the first day with students.

The Board moved to agenda item 7b – Student and Employee Handbooks. The student and staff handbooks were

reviewed. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the elementary, middle school and high school

handbooks, and the support staff handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board moved to agenda item 7j – 2022-2023 Professional Development Plans. Motion was made by Kohler,

seconded by Schilling to approve the plans as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board moved to agenda item 7f – Fundraising Request. A fundraising request was received by the Middle School

Student Council to use Pampered Chef as a fundraiser this fall, and the high school would like to use old Central Springs

signage from the baseball scoreboard for a fundraiser for the activity account. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by

Rowe to approve these fundraising requests. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board then moved to agenda item 7d – High School Girls Rugby Club. After discussion motion was made by Kohler,

seconded by Ginapp to approve the addition of girls rugby as a club sport to Central Springs CSD. Motion carried


The Board moved to agenda item 7e – Synergy Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine. Ethan reported on the situation

concerning providing sports physical therapy services for our athlete students. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by

Ginapp to accept the proposal submitted by Synergy Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine for the 2022-23 school year.

Ayes – Schilling, Ginapp, Kohler, Luett. Rowe abstained. Motion carried. The principals left the meeting.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the minutes from the July 12th

board meeting, to approve the open enrolled in and the open enrolled out requests, to approve contracts for Myra Timpe,

NS Para, Barb Schmidt, NS Dishwasher, Oretta Waters, Manly Cook, to approve contract adjustments as presented, and to

approve the resignations of Donna Meacham, Manly Cook, and Denise Boerjan, NS Para. Motion carried unanimously.

There wasn’t any Old Business.

In New Business motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the standard review of Board Policies 400,

401.1, 401.2, 401.3, 401.4, 401.5, 401.5R1, 401.6, updated policies 203, 402.2, 501.14, 501.15, 901, 501.3, and to

approve the first reading of policies 804.7 and 804.7R1. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to appoint the Level 1 and Alternate Level 1 investigators to be Bill

Carlson, Rob Hoffman, and Ken Estes, and to appoint Aaron Pals and Jesse Dugan as the Level 2 investigators. Motion

carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to appoint Ahler’s & Cooney as our district’s legal counsel. Motion

carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to appoint the Manly Signal Junction and the Nora Springs Rockford

Register as the Official Publications. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to set a depository limit of $6,000,000 with First Security bank for the

2022-23 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann also wanted to thank the Board members who helped this first

day back with staff, a get-well card was sent to Sarah Kinne, the auditor is scheduled to come Sept 26-28th, and the new

fiscal year has begun. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the financial reports as presented.

Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $287,160.20, Management - $280,818.00, SAVE - $320,504.94,

PPEL - $2,318.60, Activity - $13,524.80, and Nutrition - $1,310.40. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling

to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the September meeting include scheduling a facilities tour of one or both campuses like they did last fall.

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School library.

Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 08/16/2022 - 13:10

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19


The Central Springs School Board met Superintendent Lehmann at 5:00 pm for a facilities tour of the Middle School  campus in Nora Springs. 

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on September 19, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other  Board members present were Joe Rowe, Lori Ginapp, Jean Schilling, and Ashley Kohler. Also present were  Superintendent Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Ken Estes, Bill Shafer, and Kristin Heidemann attended via Zoom. 

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  There were no Public Comments. 

Superintendent Lehmann asked the Board to move to agenda item 7d – Branding & Marketing Plan. Kristin Heidemann  gave an overview of her and Ethan Miller’s process in developing and choosing the logos and colors that were presented.  Some will be specific by building. After discussion and questions, motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Kohler to 

approve the plan as presented with clarifications, and to move forward with implementation. Motion carried  unanimously. 

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Hoffman who shared that the FAST assessments have been completed,  the remaining units in the new science curriculum have been received and adopted, 56% of middle school students are  participating in the fall extra-curricular activities, Principal Estes reported that the 1st mid-term is coming up Wednesday  already, HS sports and musical practices are in full swing, Dan Block has been doing a great job covering HS science, and  both principals are glad to have homecoming week over. Both principals left the meeting. Superintendent Lehmann asked  about interest in attending the IASB convention in November, Jean Schilling will be the delegate, he shared information  about RSAI, gave an update on the automated mechanical system in Nora Springs, our Nutrition Dept review with the  state is scheduled for Jan 10-12, VocAg curriculum is being received and implemented along with an FFA Chapter, and  we are scheduled to have a safety assessment on December 13th

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the minutes from the August 15th  board meeting, to approve the open enrolled in and the open enrolled out requests, to approve the resignations of Taryn  Cole as elementary special education teacher pending a suitable replacement be found, to approve the fundraising requests  from Chelsie Gibson and Ethan Miller (for athletics), and to approve the early graduation requests contingent on meeting  the graduation requirements. Motion carried unanimously. 

There wasn’t any Old Business. 

In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the standard review of Board Policies 401.7,  401.8, 401.9, 401.10, 401.11, 401.12, 401.12R1, 401.13, 401.13R1, 401.14, to approve the second reading of IASB Policy  Primer updates to Board Policies 804.7 and 804.7R1, to approve the 1st reading of the open enrollment Board Policies  501.14 and 501.15, and to approve the 1st reading of the IASB recommendation change to Board Policy 505.5. Motion  carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve a substitute teacher pay increase to $130 starting October  1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously. 

The 2022-2023 Return to Learn Plan was reviewed. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the  updates as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the expanded list of Level 2 Investigators as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Board and Superintendent Goals were presented and discussed. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to  accept the financial, staffing, and curriculum implementation as presented, including VocAg/FFA and Career &  Technology curriculum/clubs. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the District to request spending authority from the SBRC for  our FY22 Special Education Deficit in the amount of $271,855.03. Motion carried unanimously. 

Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann explained the current status of monies in the management fund,  the CAR, Special Ed Supplement, and the Transportation reports were completed and certified before Sept 15th, Auditors  will be here next week in Manly. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the financial reports as  presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $197,825.73, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $81,943.19,  Activity - $27,628.08, Trust Fund - $500.00, and Nutrition - $18,342.08. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by  Schilling to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Suggestions for the October meeting include a building tour in Manly at 5:00 pm before the meeting.  President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:11 p.m. 

Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the High School library.  Respectfully Submitted, 

_________________________________ ______________________________ 

Dave Luett, Board President

Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary


kheidemann@cen… Tue, 09/20/2022 - 14:06

Board Minutes - 2022.10.17

Board Minutes - 2022.10.17

The Central Springs School Board met Superintendent Lehmann at 5:00 pm for a facilities tour of the High School  campus in Manly.  

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in  Manly on October 17, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:37 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board  members present were Joe Rowe, Jean Schilling, and Lori Ginapp. Ashley Kohler was absent. Also present were  Superintendent Lehmann, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, and Ethan Miller, and Bill Shafer and Lisa Arians attended via Zoom.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  There were no Public Comments.  

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Carlson who shared that the FAST assessments were done and the fall  scores look great, tomorrow will be a Data Dig Day where several staff members will work on evaluating the test score  data, and he would like to put a plug in for much needed bus drivers, Principal Estes reiterated that the TLC leaders will  be looking at the data tomorrow, our 1st quarter ends this week, A.D. Miller reported on the fall sports activities as they finish up their seasons, we will again be hosting a cross country district meet here on Thursday, the girls co-op wrestling  team is being organized, and Principal Estes also shared that the FFA Leadership Team will be traveling to Indianapolis  next week.  

Superintendent Lehmann asked the Board to jump to item 7b of the agenda – Girl’s Wrestling Cooperative Sharing  Agreement. This agreement is between Northwood-Kensett, St. Ansgar, Forest City, Lake Mills and the Central Springs  school districts with Northwood-Kensett holding the contract and being the central location. Motion was made by Rowe,  seconded by Schilling to approve the Girl’s Wrestling Cooperative Sharing Agreement as presented. Motion carried  unanimously. Principal Estes and A.D. Miller left the meeting.  

Superintendent Lehmann reminded the Board of the IASB Convention coming up in November, NIACC will be hosting a  legislative breakfast on November 15th, he reported that the audit and the exit interview went well, certified enrollment is  completed and while our numbers are down from last year, they are better than first anticipated, the branding project has  been completed and will move forward to create outdoor signage promoting the school district, and the family JMC app  will roll out the first part of November and will include a virtual backpack for parents.  
For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the minutes from the September  19th board meeting, to approve a contract for Kaylee Parks as an elementary special education teacher for 2nd semester in  Manly, to approve a contract for Amber Brown as paraprofessional in Nora Springs, to approve a contract for Will Bartz  as the Manly auditorium sound tech, to approve the contract adjustment for Lee Gealow due to a lane advancement, to  approve the resignations of Becky McEnany and Martina Greenzweig as Paraprofessionals (NS), and Heather Yezek as  van driver (NS), and to approve the fundraising requests as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

There wasn’t any Old Business.  

In New Business motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the standard review of Board Policies  402.1, 402.2, 402.3, 402.4, and 402.6. Motion carried unanimously.  
Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Certified Annual Report as presented. Motion carried  unanimously.  
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the Special Education Report as presented. Motion carried  unanimously.  
Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Annual Transportation Report as presented. Motion  carried unanimously. 

Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann had nothing new to report as the big financial reports and the  audit are completed, everything else is on track. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial  reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $97,675.69, Management - $1,852.00, SAVE - $79,841.15,  Activity - $41,560.70, and Nutrition - $33,310.18. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the bills as  presented. Motion carried unanimously.  
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. The Board went into an exempt session to set up strategy for the  negotiation process with the Central Springs Education Association according to Iowa Code 20.17(3).  
Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School library.  


Respectfully Submitted,  
_________________________________ ______________________________  Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 10/18/2022 - 09:15

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on November 21, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Vice-President Lori Ginapp. Other  Board members present were Joe Rowe and Dave Luett attended via Google Meet. Ashley Kohler and Jean Schilling were  absent. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Nancy Lund, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, Bill Carlson, and Bill Shafer.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Luett to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  There were no Public Comments.  

Ashley Kohler arrived at 5:34 p.m.  

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Carlson who said the elementary conferences were well attended,  explained about the Positive Post Cards they are doing to give prizes to random students each month which may include  lunch with the principal or planning a menu for a day, and the first day of Turkey Bowling went well with good coverage  from the Globe Gazette on the activity, Principal Hoffman shared that Intermediate and Middle School conferences were  also well attended, 88 seniors were served at the Senior Citizen Dinner, and a joint Veterans Day Assembly was held with  the High School in Manly, mini-course day is set for Wednesday, Principal Estes reported that the girls wrestling team  had their first tournament the past weekend and they did well, there is an interest in developing E-Sports, 2nd quarter mid term is already here, and the staff is continuing to work on the professional development/PLC.  

Jean Schilling joined the meeting at 5:40 pm on her cell phone but was not able to participate due to technical issues.  

Superintendent Lehmann started by expressing the Board’s condolences to Principal Hoffman on the recent loss of his  father, he shared a thank you card that was written by the cross country team thanking the Board for their support on their  Colorado trip, there is an HVAC meeting planned for next week, the IASB conference was good, and now is the time to  contact your legislative representatives concerning the upcoming topics including the vouchers.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from the October 17th board meeting, to approve contracts for Natalie Leewright as a Manly Cook, Eric Otteson as a Manly Custodian and Bus  Driver, Trenton Wertjes as a MS Girls Basketball Coach, Adam Wymore as a MS Boys Basketball Coach, Jessica Flippo  as a Bus Driver, Margaret Hutchens as Speech Coach, Nicci McDonough as Assistant Speech Coach, Andrea Holt as  Nora Daycare/Para, contract adjustment for Bill Shafer as single JH Wrestling Coach, resignations from Dakota Wyborny  for MS Volleyball and Track for the 2023-24 school year, Oretta Waters as Manly Cook, Emily Ford as Nora Springs  Daycare Para, Ashley Schmidt as Nora Springs Para, Lance Jost as Nora Springs Bus/Van Driver, and to acknowledge the  $200 donation from the Rock Sirius Lodge given to the Nora Springs 2nd grade classrooms. Motion carried unanimously.  

There wasn’t any Old Business.  

In New Business motion was made by Luett to approve the standard review of Board Policies 403.1, 403.2, 403.3,  403.3R1, 403.3E1, 403.4, the IASB September Quarterly Update for 401.14, 402.2, 408.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2,  602.3,605.1, 605.1R1, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1 (COMPLETE REWRITE), 605.3E1, 605.3E2, 605.3E3, 605.3E4 (NEW),  605.4, 605.5,802.4, and revision to Wellness Policy 507.9. There was discussion concerning the IASB updated policies  and questions concerning incomplete information in several. After discussion motion was made by Rowe, seconded by  Kohler to approve the Board Policies 403.1, 403.2, 403.3, 403.3R1, 403.3E1, 403.4 and the Wellness Policy 507.9, and to  table the remaining policies until the December meeting. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the following motion:  

The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of  $48,184.50 for the costs to provide instructional services. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the following motion: 

The district’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the SBRC for a modified supplemental amount of  $198,742.50 for open enrolled students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count.  Motion carried unanimously.  

After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Luett to approve a Board Resolution that grants the  superintendent authority to purchase a vehicle up to $65,000 for the district’s transportation fleet during this school year.  Roll call vote: Kohler – aye, Rowe – nay, Luett – aye, Ginapp – aye, Schilling abstained. Motion carried.  

Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann wanted to thank Paula for all the work she did on our Certified  Enrollment, fall BEDS report, and open enrollment requests, a final FY22 Budget Performance Update report was shared,  and finances are as expected. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial reports as  presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $77,864.81, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $156,096.14,  PPEL - $11,986.14, Activity - $24,674.24, and Nutrition - $34,224.01. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to  approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Suggestions for the December 19, 2022 board meeting include a presentation by the FFA, review of board policies, and  mention was made that the high school musical was a wonderful presentation.  

Jean Schilling arrived in person as Vice-President Ginapp adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m. The Board went into an  exempt session to set up strategy for the negotiation process with the Central Springs Education Association according to  Iowa Code 20.17(3).  

Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for December 19, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the High School library.  Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  Lori Ginapp, Board Vice-President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Mon, 11/28/2022 - 13:47

Board Minutes - 2022.12.19

Board Minutes - 2022.12.19

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in  Manly on December 19, 2022. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board  members present were Jean Schilling, Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, and Joe Rowe. Also present were Superintendent  Lehmann, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, and Derek Straube. Attending via Google Meet were Chris Arians, Nancy Lund, and  Michael Pettengill.  
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  
For Public Comments, Derek Straube gave an update on the Ag classes and the FFA program, both having had a  successful start this year.  
Administrative reports were heard from Principal Estes who reported that the high school has been using Formative  Assessments now for 7 years with a focus on the science of learning and it is making an impact, teachers are doing  collaborative teaching with student input, semester finals should be completed this week, Principal Carlson said there’s a  lot going on in the elementary, they are working on building an “I Can” report card structure which gives a better picture  of students’ abilities and progress, and they have started working again on science standards/curriculum as well as  incorporating SEL. Principal Estes left the meeting to attend the vocal/band concert.  
Superintendent Lehmann informed the Board that Abby Koch is leaving the Globe Gazette and will be missed as she has  been a positive reporter for the district, Fit for Life with Dana Schon is wrapping up (program with SEL supports), the  Homeland Security assessments have been done, there is a potential change in how football districts have been  determined, and if weather closes our school for Thursday it will not be an e-learning day due to the end of semester.  
For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the minutes from the November 21st regular meeting and the November 28th special board meeting, to approve contracts for Roger Blickenderfer as Head Boys  Track Coach, Michael Pettengill as Assistant Boys Track Coach, Ashley Trousdale as a Para Educator, Becky Viers as a  Para Educator, Jessica Siems as Elementary Secretary, contract adjustments for Melissa Schmidt, accept resignations from  Paula Beyer as Elementary Secretary, Susan Carrott as Vocal Music Teacher, Maggie Pruin as Head Volleyball Coach,  Lance Jost as Transportation Driver, and Eric Otteson as Custodian. Motion carried unanimously.  
There wasn’t any Old Business.  
In New Business, motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the Financial Statements as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  
Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $274,196.28, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $13,275.73,  PPEL - $65,054.51, Activity - $5,197.16, and Nutrition - $32,440.13. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp  to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:12 p.m.  
Secretary Mellmann called the Reorganization Meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. Board members present were Jean Schilling,  Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, and Dave Luett. A quorum was present.  
Ballots were distributed for Board President. After tallying, President Luett was declared the Board President.  Ballots were distributed for Vice-President. After tallying, Jean Schilling was declared the Vice-President.  
After swearing in the President and Vice-President, Secretary Mellmann turned the meeting over to President Luett at  6:15 p.m.  
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to appoint Gwen Mellmann to the Board Secretary/Board Treasurer  position and the oath was recited. 
In Old Business, the following Board Policies were reviewed: the IASB September Quarterly Update for 401.14, 402.2,  408.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3,605.1, 605.1R1, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1 (COMPLETE REWRITE), 605.3E1, 605.3E2,  605.3E3, 605.3E4 (NEW), 605.4, 605.5,802.4. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the Board  Policies as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 
In New Business motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to establish the third Monday of the month at 5:30  p.m. with rotating locations as the ongoing schedule for Board meetings. Motion carried unanimously.  
The following Board policies were presented for standard review: 403.5, 403.5R1, 403.5E1, 403.6, 403.6E1, 403.6CS,  404, 404R1, 404R2. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the policies as presented. Motion  carried unanimously.  
Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve authorizing the district’s administration to submit a request to  the SBRC for a Modified Supplemental Weighting for At-Risk/Dropout Prevention for the amount of $149,242 with a  local match of $49,747. Motion carried unanimously. 
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve opening a Daycare Agency Fund bank account for deposits.  Motion carried unanimously.  
Suggestions for the January 16, 2023 board meeting include discussion on IASB Convention take-aways, 2023-24 school  calendar, mid-year superintendent evaluation, and an overview of facilities projects.  
Meeting was adjourned at 6:29 p.m.  
Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School library.  Respectfully Submitted,  
_________________________________ ______________________________  
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 12/21/2022 - 13:10

Board Minutes - 2023.01.16

Board Minutes - 2023.01.16


The Public Hearing for the 2023-24 School Calendar was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Dave Luett. It was
noted that one of the changes for this next year is a 2:05 p.m. dismissal every Wednesday. Being there were no other
comments the hearing was closed at 5:34 p.m.

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in
Nora Springs on January 16, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:34 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board
members present were Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, and Jean Schilling. Also present were Superintendent
Lehmann, Jesse Germundson, and Bob Walker. Attending via Google Meet were Chris Arians, Lisa Arians, and Nancy

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
For Public Comments, Jesse Germundson and Bob Walker informed the board of a Worth County Coalitions committee
(WCAT) that they are in the process of forming. They gave a background of the program they’re promoting to reach out
to young adults concerning nicotine, alcohol, and substance abuse education, and would like to include a couple of high
school students from Central Springs. The Board appreciated their time and information and look forward to its

Administrative reports were shared from the building principals, and Superintendent Lehmann updated the Board on the
Manly HVAC project that is moving slowly but will hopefully start moving forward, and thanks to Bryan Reiter’s work
with E-Rate we are able to obtain chrome books for the high school, and will purchase additional ones for the middle
school at a reduced rate.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the minutes from the December
19, 2022 meeting, to approve an employee contract for Nicole McCoid as a Manly paraeducator, Nicci McDonough as
head volleyball coach, and Maggie Pruin as assistant volleyball coach. Motion carried unanimously.
In Old Business, there was discussion concerning the beginning of the 2023 legislative session. Superintendent Lehmann
shared projected figures of monetary loss to the public schools through state tax cuts and the upcoming Educational
Savings Account bill. Jean Schilling will be attending the forum in Des Moines scheduled for January 17th.

In New Business, motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve 2nd reading of Board Policy 605.3E4, the
standard review of policies 405.1, 405.2, 405.3, 405.4, 405.5, 405.6, 405.7, 405.8, 405.9, and the 1st reading of Board
Policies 507.2, 507.2E1, 607.2, and 804.5. Motion carried unanimously.

The 2023-24 Academic Year calendar was reviewed. It was again noted that this next year includes a 2:05 dismissal time
on Wednesdays. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the calendar as presented. Motion carried

Bids for E-rate Category 1: Internet were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the
bid from WCTA for broadband internet service. Motion carried unanimously.

Bids for E-rate Category 2: Technology were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the
bid from CDW for technology equipment. Motion carried unanimously.
Financial statements were reviewed. A mid-year budget performance report was shared as well as year-to-date
expenditures, and Secretary Mellmann shared a thank you poster that was made for the Board by Lisa Arians and the
Manly elementary staff and students. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Kohler to approve the financial
statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $620,083.04, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $17,293.80,
PPEL - $133,416.24, Trust Fund - $1,000.00, Activity - $24,016.86, and Nutrition - $14,970.57. After discussion motion
was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

In suggestions for the February 20, 2023 Board meeting, it was noted that the agenda has not been posted to our school
website the last 2 months and we will look into ensuring it’s posted in the future.
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
The Board went into closed session to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i).
Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for February 20, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the High School library.
Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 01/18/2023 - 13:42

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in  Manly on February 20, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board  members present were Lori Ginapp, Ashley Kohler, Jean Schilling, and Joe Rowe via Google Meet. Also present were  Superintendent Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, Ethan Miller, Bill Shafer, Cole Younger, and attending  electronically were Chris Arians and Nancy Lund.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

For Public Comments, Lori Ginapp announced that due to her job obligations she will not be running for board director this fall.  

President Luett moved ahead to agenda item 7.d. Music Trip for 2024. Cole Younger shared information and a tentative  itinerary that the high school band and vocal students would like to plan and fundraise for. The trip they chose would take  them to Chicago next March 8-11, 2024. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the music trip  request as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Carlson who shared that Dr. Suess/Cat in the Hat activities were being  planned, the roller skates are here and will be starting in Manly first, all staff inservice was held today with one of the  elementary focuses being on developing a new report card, and a special thank you is extended to Sabrina Howes and the  Nora Springs Public Library for sponsoring a K-8 Native American assembly that was informative, entertaining, and well  received by the staff and students, Principal Hoffman reported that the inservice today included adult SEL activities as  well as data work, a “Have a Heart” activity done at the Nora campus included over 570 random acts of kindness being  submitted, and the 8th grade spent a day at NIACC exploring job opportunities, Ethan Miller gave an update on winter  extra-curricular activities, mentioning that the girls basketball team went to semi-finals and 2 wrestlers made it to state,  and there will be some project upgrades to consider later in the meeting that will improve our outdoor athletic facilities,  Principal Estes reported that parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner and we are almost 75% through this  school year, Mr. Straube and the FFA students have a staff breakfast planned for tomorrow, the Top of Iowa Conference  vocal concert is scheduled this next week, and thank you to Jean Schilling for helping to serve lunch to the staff during  inservice. Mr. Miller, Mr. Estes, Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Younger left the meeting.  

Mr. Lehmann gave an update on the progress of the HVAC project, he thanked the board members for helping at the  concession stand, thank you notes were shared from Rob Hoffman, Brian and Amy Fessler, Sarah Kinne, and Jessica  Richey, elementary principal interviews are scheduled for March 1st and 2nd, and if anyone is interested in attending the  IASB Summit for Student Success please let him know.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the minutes from the January 16,  2023 meeting, to approve an employee contract for Kaylee Parks as middle school teacher and assistant softball coach,  Emily Heagel as elementary special education teacher, Colin Claytor as middle school & high school vocal music teacher,  and Cecilia Hemsworth as high school English teacher, to accept resignations from Bill Carlson as elementary principal,  Victoria Jeffers as 6th/7th math & science teacher, Lee Gealow as high school English teacher, assistant football coach and  head baseball coach, Adra Hill as middle school special education teacher, Jenna Stoltenberg as para educator, and  Kiersten Kisner as high school yearbook advisor. Motion carried unanimously.  

In Old Business, there was discussion concerning the beginning of the 2023 legislative session. Superintendent Lehmann  mentioned the valuation error that the state is working to rectify, shared some of the bill highlights that will affect schools  directly that involve library books, curriculum listings, preschool weighting, operational sharing, bus driver certification,  student teacher pay, flexibility bill, and open enrollment and attendance.  

In New Business, motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the Standard review of Board policies  406.1, 406.2, 406.3, 406.4, 406.5, 406.6, the IASB Quarterly Review of Board policies 216.2, 607.1, NEW 701.5, NEW  701.5R1, 705.1, 705.1R2, 804.7R1, and the new Board policies 401.1CS and 401.1RCS. Motion carried unanimously. 

The 2023-24 WCDA Budget of $348,684.28 was presented. Supt Lehmann emphasized how important these funds are to  the district and the impact they make for our students. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the  budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

The 2023-2024 school fees were presented with a small increase. After discussion it was decided to table any decision on  fees until the nutrition prices can also be included.  

Roof bids were reviewed for roof replacement on the Nora Springs West library roof. Rowe would like to address the  skylights as we move forward with future bids. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the bid  from Northern Cedar for $21,330. Motion carried unanimously.  

Bids were reviewed for upgrading the baseball warning track. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to  approve bid from Iowa Athletic Fields for $36,195. Motion carried unanimously.  

Quotes were received for resurfacing and irrigating the softball infield. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler  to approve the bid from Iowa Athletic Fields for $58,942.74. Motion carried unanimously.  

Information was shared on replacing the gym bleachers in the Nora Springs gymnasium. Motion was made by Kohler,  seconded by Schilling to approve holding a public hearing on March 20th at 5:30 pm before approving the specs and  selecting a bidder. Motion carried unanimously.  

Quotes were reviewed for a compact utility tractor. After discussion motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to  table a decision until quotes from other dealers can be gathered. Motion carried unanimously.  

Quotes were received to resurface the Manly track. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the bid  from Fisher Track for $74,470. Motion carried unanimously.  

A bid was received for a 2023 Bluebird school bus. After discussion motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp  to approve the bid from School Bus Sales for $143,533. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the agreement with the CSEA for a $2014 pool increase,  increase in the hiring base to $32,300, increase the supplemental salary schedule generator base to $31, 400, and a  horizontal lane advancement language for the Master Contract. Motion carried unanimously.  

Contracts for certified, non-certified, and administration were presented with a 4% increase, having an issue date of  March 15, 2023 with a return date of April 5, 2023. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the  contracts as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

The Board Director Districts were reviewed after receiving the 2020 Census data. The following board resolution was  presented:  

WHEREAS, the Central Springs Community School District is required to determine boundaries for Director Districts  after the most recent Federal Decennial Census pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 275.23A, and  

WHEREAS, the Central Springs School Board finds that, as a result of the 2020 Census, that the existing boundaries of  the director districts comply with the requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 275.23(A)(1),  

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the board of directors of the Central Springs Community School District,  the director district boundary plan as exhibited in the attached written description, map and certification worksheet is  hereby adopted.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to adopt the resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were reviewed. Secretary Mellmann reported on budget workshops, expenditures are looking on  track. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried  unanimously. 

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $261,489.27, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $34,276.35,  PPEL - $3,444.74, Trust Fund - $2,000.00, Activity - $7,442.25, and Nutrition - $26,134.01. After discussion motion was  made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m.  

Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Middle School library.  Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 02/22/2023 - 14:41

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20


The public hearing for the replacement of the Middle School bleachers was opened at 5:30 p.m. President Luett asked for  comments, and being there were none received the hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m.  

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on March 20, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board  members present were Jean Schilling, Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, and Joe Rowe. Also present were Superintendent  Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, with Chris Arians attending electronically. Bill Shafer also joined the  meeting.  

There was an addition to the agenda under new business, item 7.i. FY22 Audit. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded  by Ginapp to approve the agenda with the addition. Motion carried unanimously.  

There were no Public Comments.  

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Estes who shared that the track season is underway with one indoor  meet being attended, 3rd quarter ended before spring break, parent-teacher conferences had 20% attendance which is  normal for spring conferences, and the high school will see several faculty changes this next year, Principal Carlson  reported that elementary had a good turnout for P-T conferences, teachers are looking at FAST data, students and staff  seemed happy to return after spring break, and the skating unit started in Nora Springs today, Principal Hoffman reported  a 73% turnout for P-T conferences, staff and students are preparing for ISASP testing, “Thanks for being a Lucky Charm”  collected 357 slips of random acts of kindness with an increased awareness among students for being kind, spring Special  Olympics were well supported by staff and students, and 11 of our 12 athletes will be participating in the summer Special  Olympics, the staff continues to evaluate data and incorporate MTSS, and FPS and Problem-Solving competitions are  happening in the spring. Director Schilling reminded Principal Hoffman to keep the board updated on class sizes should  adjustments or changes need to be considered. Superintendent Lehmann presented the board with the new football  districts that came out this week, and the HS HVAC project has 2 rooms left to equip before the final stage of installation  begins.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the February 20 board minutes,  to approve Brooke Brunsvold as the elementary principal, and to accept the resignation from Michael Pettengill as HS  science teacher. Motion carried unanimously.  

Principals Hoffman and Estes left the meeting.  

In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann gave an update on legislative items that could impact Iowa schools.  

Also in Old Business the specs for the Nora Springs middle school gym bleachers were presented. Motion was made by  Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the specs as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Bids for the MS Gym Bleachers project were presented. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the  bid from TownsEnd Company for $158,877 which includes the dismantling of the old bleachers. Motion carried  unanimously.  

In New Business, motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the Standard review of Board policies  407.1, 407.1R1CS, 407.2, 407.3, 407.4, 407.5, 407.6, the IASB Quarterly Review 2nd reading of Board policies 701.5,  701.5R1, and the 2nd reading of Board policies 401.1CS and 401.1RCS. Motion carried unanimously.  

The Building Use Form was presented with a revision of time slot information for doors. Motion was made by Schilling,  seconded by Ginapp to approve the form as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve a purchase agreement with the AEA for the 2023-2024  school year. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Local Government Risk Pool agreement of $138,548.60  for natural gas for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.  

A public hearing for the 2023-2024 budget needs to be set. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve  April 17th at 5:30 p.m. in the Manly High School Library as the time and place for the budget hearing. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Superintendent Lehmann gave an update on the facilities projects and shared a spreadsheet listing information of our  transportation fleet. He shared information concerning the process, timeline, and data for a voted PPEL. An updated cost  for 2 different options for a wrestling room addition were also shared.  

Financial statements were reviewed. Secretary Mellmann shared a summary of next year’s budget figures. After  discussion, motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented, and to  approve the FY22 audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

The FY22 Audit report was shared with the board. Several highlights were reviewed as well as the findings. Motion was  made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to accept the FY22 audit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $90,981.90, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $253,728.55,  PPEL - $3,735.39, Trust Fund - $500.00, Activity - $10,558.20, and Nutrition - $28,889.31. After discussion motion was  made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  

Our next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Apri1 17, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the High School library in Manly.  Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 03/21/2023 - 09:14

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17


The public hearing for the proposed 2023-2024 Budget, and for the Resolution to Expend Funds to the District’s  Flexibility Account was opened at 5:30 p.m. President Luett asked for comments. There being none the hearing was  closed at 5:33 p.m.  

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in  Manly on April 17, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members  present were Jean Schilling and Joe Rowe. Ashley Kohler attended electronically. Lori Ginapp was absent. Also present  were Superintendent Lehmann, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, Bill Shafer, Brandon Borseth, with Chris Arians,  Lisa Arians, and Josh Bass attending electronically.  

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  There were no Public Comments.  

Administrative reports included Principal Estes who listed the changes in faculty for this next school year and how that  will effect class offerings, the FFA Banquet was held this past Saturday, and ISASP testing starts this week, Principal  Hoffman shared that the staff hosted a Para Appreciation this past week, ISASP testing will start in the middle school  also, 6-8 grade sports physicals were given last week and went very smoothly, Transition/Step-up Day is being planned,  and hats off to the FPS team that won 2 1st place prizes, Principal Carlson reported that the roller skating unit was  wrapped up with no injuries, kindergarten round-up is scheduled for Friday, PK registration is 100% digital this year, and  Brooke Brunsvold spent last Tuesday at both campuses and was warmly received by the staff.  

Principals Estes and Hoffman left the meeting.  

Superintendent Lehmann reported that June 1st will be the last day for students, June 2nd is the last day for teachers, we  will be listing a bus and explorer for sale, and the football schedule is out so fall activities can be planned.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the March 20 board minutes, to  approve contracts for Kaylee Parks for MS Girls Basketball and MS Track, Elizabeth Jacobsen for HS Science Teacher  with a Letter of Agreement, Adam Wymore for Asst Baseball Coach, Cassie Rowell for HS Science Teacher, Jay  McDonough for Asst Softball Coach, Missy Schmidt for MS Volleyball Coach, Julie Salisbury for HS Yearbook Advisor,  to approve contract adjustments for Val Jorgensen moving from MA to MA+15, Derek Straube for an FFA extended  contract, for Scott Dobel moving from 1.0 FTE to .55 FTE, to accept resignations from Andrea Holt as NS ParaEducator,  Barb Schmidt as NS Dishwasher, Nicci McDonough as Asst Speech Coach, Ethan Miller as Elementary and HS Teacher  and HS A.D., and Melissa Hocken as MS Guidance Counselor. Motion carried unanimously.  

In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann gave an update on legislative items that are being discussed.  

Also in Old Business the specs for the Tractor and Accessories were reviewed. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by  Schilling to approve the specs as presented from D&L Equipment for a Kioti RX7320PCCR with attachments for  $85,450. Motion carried unanimously.  

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the Standard review of Board policies  408.1, 408.2, 408.3, and the revision of Board policy 503.1 Student Conduct. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the Timberline Medicaid Billing Service contract for 2023- 2024. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve a Consortium Agreement for the North Iowa Therapeutic  Instructional Consortium for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.  

The 2023-24 Budget was reviewed. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the 23-24 Budget with  a proposed tax rate of $10.10506. Motion carried unanimously. 

A Resolution was presented to expend funds to a District Flexibility Account. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded  by Rowe to approve the Resolution as presented which will move $600,000 of excess funds from other accounts to a  District Flexibility Account that can be used for staff salaries and benefits. Motion carried unanimously with Aye votes  from Rowe, Schilling, Kohler, and Luett. A full copy of the Resolution can be found in the Business Office in Manly.  

Financial statements were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the financial  statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $60,619.76, Management - $1,884.00, SAVE - $95,097.01, PPEL  - $13,058.08, Activity - $30,864.29, and Nutrition - $23,464.28. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to  approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Kohler asked if our next meeting could be moved up to a 5:00 p.m. start time. After discussion it was decided that our  next regular school board meeting will be scheduled for May 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. in the Middle School L`ibrary in Nora  Springs.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to go into closed session at 6:27 p.m. to discuss the sale of real estate  pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(j). Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to come out of closed session at 6:47 p.m. Motion carried  unanimously.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 04/18/2023 - 15:00

Board Minutes - 2023.05.15

Board Minutes - 2023.05.15


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in
Nora Springs on May 15, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board
members present were Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, and Jean Schilling. Ashley Kohler was absent. Also present were
Superintendent Lehmann, Bill Carlson, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, Bill Shafer, Jesse Dugan, and Lori Jost, with Chris
Arians and Lisa Arians attending electronically.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no Public Comments.

Administrative reports were heard from President Luett who apologized for overlooking the public hearing section of last
month’s meeting, Principal Hoffman reported on the progress with the SAMI process and shared initial positive results
from the ISASP testing which was completed by 100% of the students, Principal Carlson also commented on the ISASP
testing which is new to the 3rd graders, the elementary is very busy with yearend field trips and activities, and was pleased
with how Step-Up day went, Principal Estes also commented on ISASP testing and that the HS showed growth, Senior
Awards night is coming up along with senior and graduation activities. Ginapp wanted to thank the high school for
organizing the Rugby send-off. Superintendent Lehmann gave an update on the HS HVAC project which will hopefully
be completed in June, the students last day will be June 1st, teachers are done June 2nd with a lunch being served by the
Board on that day, the Rugby team placed 3rd in the district, state track for our athletes is later this week, he attended the
Top of Iowa Conference Art Festival where there were many displays from our students as well as awards received, and
he will be handing out ACT medals to the top 5 scoring students.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the April 17 board minutes, to
approve contracts for Kelli Mitchell as MS Guidance Counselor, Kipp Beyer as Cross Country Coach, and Amy Fessler as
National Honor Society Advisor, and to approve the resignation of Terry Bohr as Elementary Special Ed Teacher. Motion
carried unanimously.

In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann gave an update on legislative items that included student discipline and
parental/guardian acknowledgement of handbooks, a committee has been formed to review the DOP funding formula,
there’s been another reduction in support to the AEA’s, there will be changes in property tax/budget process, and we will
be making the suicide hotline more accessible to students.

The Public Hearing for amending the 2022-23 budget was opened at 5:34 p.m. President Luett called for discussion or
questions. Being there were no comments the hearing was closed at 5:35 p.m.
Also in Old Business the Central Springs Fees for the 2023-24 school year were reviewed. Motion was made by
Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the fees with an increase in registration and nutrition fees, and a correction to
the adult lunch ticket price. Motion carried unanimously.

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Standard review of Board policies
409.1, 409.2, 409.2R1CS, 409.2R2CS, 409.3, 409.3E1, 409.3E2, 409.3R1, 409.3R2 and the IASB quarterly update of
Board policies 200.4 (new), 210.5, 401.5R1, 401.10, 407.2, 501.2, 604.6, 701.2, and 708. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve sharing agreements for Superintendent, School Business
Official, Social Worker, Human Resource Director, Industrial Tech Teacher, Communications Director, AEA Curriculum
Director, and AEA Special Education Director. Motion carried unanimously.
Item 7-c was skipped.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to amend the 2022-2023 budget due to the purchase of student
computers for the next school year, and the early beginning of construction projects. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the SAI Administrator Mentoring and Induction Program
Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.

The graduating class of 2023 was presented. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the
graduates as presented providing they meet the graduation requirements as set by the Board. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the annual transportation agreement with our contingent
school districts for open enrolled students. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Lehmann wanted to thank the Board for their service to the students, staff, and community especially
during May, School Board Recognition Month. A special card and treats were shared from the Manly elementary school.
The Board’s efforts are much appreciated.

Financial statements were presented. The year-to-date expenditures were reviewed and a report showing the current
balances of the Student Activity accounts was shared. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the
financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $213,908.39, Management - $3,654.00, SAVE - $138,044.26,
PPEL - $4,850.33, Activity - $8,905.62, and Nutrition - $29,616.38. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling
to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the June 19th board meeting to be held at 5:30 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly include the sale
of 2 vehicles, bread and milk bids for next school year, and the superintendent evaluation .
President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:08 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 05/16/2023 - 15:02

Board Minutes - 2023.06.19

Board Minutes - 2023.06.19


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in
Manly on June 19, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members
present were Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Jean Schilling. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Bill
Carlson, Bill Shafer, and Nancy Lund attended electronically.

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no Public Comments.

For administrative reports, Principal Carlson shared some of the highlights and accomplishments from his 12 years with
Central Springs and thanked the Board for their support during his time with the District. Superintendent Lehmann shared
a program from Senior Awards Night, information on ISFIS programs, summer cleaning is going well, the Nora Springs
building will be done in June, and several summer projects have been completed.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the board minutes for the May
15th regular and the June 2nd special board meeting, to approve contracts for Marissa Norby as Physical Education/Health
teacher and MS Girls Basketball coach, Stacy Engel as Nora Springs cook, Emily Heagel as assistant Girls Track coach,
Jereme Baldus as IT Director, Holly Main as MS Cross Country coach, Carlie Gordon as Daycare Para, employee contract
adjustments for Amanda White, cook hours adjustment, Natalie Leewright, cook hours adjustment, Meghan May moving
to MA and Mentor/Mentee Leader, Katie Kruger as HS Athletic Director secretary, Brian Fessler as HS Athletic Director
including a zero period, and Jessica Siems, stipend for calling subs, resignation by Kipp Beyer as MS Cross Country
coach, and a donation of $20 from Winnebago Industries to put towards negative lunch accounts. Motion carried

There was no Old Business.

In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the Standard review of Board policies 410.1,
410.2, and 410.4. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the second reading of Board policy 200.4. Motion carriedunanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the NIACC Educational Services Contract for 2023-24. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to amend the 2034-24 Academic Calendar, reducing the teacher days to 185 and allowing 5 e-learning days. Ayes: Ginapp, Rowe, Schilling, Luett. Nays: Kohler. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the Fiala Office Products Copier 4-year lease agreement as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Milk and bread bids received for the 2023-24 school year were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by
Schilling to approve the bid received by Anderson Erickson Dairy for milk supplies and the bid received by Pan-O-Gold
for bread supplies. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the 3-year RFP received from Schnurr & Company for the
district audits. Motion carried unanimously.

Vehicle bids were reviewed. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to accept the bid of $1,052.50 from Mike
Schulte for the 2000 Bluebird bus and to accept the bid of $2,052.50 from Mike Schulte for the 2005 Ford Explorer.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to accept the bid from Heartland Asphalt in the amount of $135,930.75
to resurface the Manly parking lot. Ayes: Ginapp, Rowe, Schilling, Luett. Nays: Kohler. Motion carried.
Financial statements were presented. The student activity fund balances will be reviewed in the next couple weeks.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $484,426.07, Management - $1,440.00, SAVE - $167,898.87,
PPEL - $2,282.24, Activity - $29,756.05 and Nutrition - $35,794.08. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to
approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the July board meeting include a change in date and scheduling it for July 11 at 5:30 pm in Nora Springs.
Bill Shafer thanked the Board for their support for the Rugby Club and activities, a follow-up from a postcard that was
shared with the Board thanking them for their support this past year.

The Board went into a closed session at 6:59 pm to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa code 21.5(1)(i). The

Board came out of closed session at 8:42 pm.

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 8:42 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 06/20/2023 - 13:51




Click on the links below to find board meeting minutes for the 2023-24 school year.


Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:44

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2023.08.30

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2023.08.30


A Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly
on August 30, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members
present were Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, and Jean Schilling. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann,
Brooke Brunsvold, Rob Hoffman, and Ken Estes.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

For Public Comments Jean Schilling expressed gratitude at being able to meet again to give more time to the handbooks
after the delay caused this year by the legislative changes that needed to be made, and to acknowledge again Gwen
Mellmann’s announcement to retire as Business Manager and Board Secretary.

In Old Business, Support Staff, Teacher, Technology, Elementary, Middle School, and High School handbooks were
revisited. Revisions were made after discussion and agreement. After discussion concerning the High School Handbook,
motion was made by Kohler to add Valedictorian as one of the graduation speakers with Salutatorian as the second option
if Valedictorian does not want to speak. Motion died without a second motion.
Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to add “class rank” as one of the factors in determining the
graduation speaker(s). Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the handbooks with the revisions suggested. Motion carried

In New Business, the SAVE Revenue Purpose Statement was presented which would allow purchases for technology,
equipment and vehicles, building and grounds improvement and maintenance. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by
Kohler to approve the SAVE (State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund) Revenue Purpose Statement as
presented, to authorize an election on this SAVE Revenue Purpose Statement, and to order the Publication of Notice of
Election for such. Roll call vote: Kohler – aye, Ginapp – aye, Rowe – aye, Schilling – aye, Luett – aye. Motion carried
unanimously. A full copy of the resolution can be viewed in the Central Springs CSD business office.

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be held September 18th in the Middle School library in Nora Springs.

Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 09/05/2023 - 11:48

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.01.30

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.01.30


The special meeting of the Central Springs School Board was held in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs on January 30, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Jean Schilling. Other members present were Joe Rowe, Josh Berman, Ashley Kohler, and Sean Arthur attended via Zoom. Other people present were Jackie Dalluge, Danielle Haindfield, Darwin Lehmann, Ken Estes, and Renee Redmond. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler for the Board to go into closed session at 5:01 p.m. to review or discuss records that are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a) and to conduct a hearing on the discipline of a student pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(e). Motion carried unanimously. The Board came out of the closed session at 7:15 p.m. and reconvened Open Session at 7:16 p.m. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe that the disciplinary finding made by the District Administration against the student who was the subject of the closed session is affirmed. However, pursuant to Policy 503.4R1, the Board is exercising its discretion based on the facts and circumstances presented in the closed session to impose no further disciplinary consequences beyond those already served by the student. Roll call vote: Kohler – aye, Berman – aye, Rowe – aye, Arthur – aye, Schilling – aye. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, _________________________________ ______________________________ Jean Schilling, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 01/31/2024 - 16:01

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.04.24

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.04.24

MINUTES - April 24, 2024

A Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Superintendent’s Office in Manly on April 24, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 President Jean Schilling. Present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, and Board
Secretary Jackie Dalluge. Board members Ashley Kohler, Sean Arthur, and Josh Berman joined
remotely, Joe Rowe was absent. Motion was made by Ashley Kohler, seconded by Sean Arthur
to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no public comments.

In New Business, we received a quote from Johnson Heating & Air Conditioning in Albert Lea
for the HVAC at Nora Springs for the kitchen and commons area in the amount of $70,000 with
an alternate bid to include the band/choir room for $17,000. The total cost being for the project
$87,000, a motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to approve the quote in the
amount of $87,000 for the Nora Springs HVAC system. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the quote from Johnson Heating &
Air Conditioning in Albert Lea for the Kitchen Hood at the Nora Springs Campus for the amount
of $200,000. The $200,000 exceeds the public bid threshold but in discussion with our attorney
at Ahlers & Cooney we are alright to accept the quote as presented. Roll call vote Berman -nay,
Arthur - aye, Kohler - aye, Schilling - aye, Rowe - absent. Motion carried.

President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 12:08 p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held May 20, 2024 in the Nora Springs Library beginning at 6:00

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Tue, 04/30/2024 - 09:54

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.06.01

Board Minutes (Special Meeting) - 2024.06.01

MINUTES - June 6, 2024

The Special Board Meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
High School Library in Manly on June 6, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by
President Jean Schilling. Other Board Members present were Ashley Kohler, Josh Berman, and
Joe Rowe. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann and Board Secretary Jackie
Dalluge. Sean Arthur joined the meeting at 5:32 p.m.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.

Iowa Associations of School Board representative, Tammi Drawbaugh, presented to the board
and facilitated discussions to the board on governance structure.

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to adjourn the Special Board Meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.

President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m.

Our next Board Meeting will be held on June 17, 2024 in the Manly High School Library
beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Mon, 06/10/2024 - 14:39

Board Minutes - 2023.07.11

Board Minutes - 2023.07.11


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on July 11, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board  members present were Jean Schilling, Lori Ginapp, Ashley Kohler, and Joe Rowe. Also present were Superintendent  Lehmann, Sara Meinders, and Nancy Lund attended electronically.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of 7-k. Motion  carried unanimously.  

There were no public comments.  

For administrative reports, Superintendent Lehmann introduced Sara Meinders who will be our shared SBO. She has  already started working with Secretary Mellmann and HR Director Brooke Johnson, and will help streamline state reports  as well as other operations in the business office. The IASB convention will be held Nov 15-17, the Employee Clothing  Store is open online, there have been 2,485 meals served in June through the SFSP, summer cleaning is continuing with  the crew now working in Manly, roof work is done on the Nora Springs library section, track resurfacing is completed, NS  boiler work is done, HS restroom and the HS asphalt parking lot work will begin this week, and the fence between the  golf course and our grounds has been installed.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the board minutes for the June 19th regular board meeting, to approve the resignation of Becky Miller as HS Girls Track Coach pending a suitable  replacement being found, and to thank the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa for their $1000 donation to the  nutrition program. Motion carried unanimously.  

There was no Old Business.  

In New Business, there was discussion concerning graduation requirements, and the wording in policy 605.1R1. Motion  was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the IASB quarterly update to Board policies 104, 104.R1, 402.2,  402.5 (new), 408.1, 503.7 (new), 503.7E1 (new), 503.7E2 (new), 505.4, 601.1, 603.5, 605.1R1 changing the word  “positive” to “objective”, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1, 605.3E5 (new), 605.5, and to approve the graduation requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.  


The 2023-24 Legislative priorities were reviewed. An RSAI survey was shared. After discussion motion was made by  Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the following as our top priorities:  

1. Supplemental State Aid  

2. Mental Health  

3. Drop Out Prevention  

4. School Choice/Oversight Public Education  

 Motion carried unanimously.  

A resolution ordering election for a Voted Physical Plan and Equipment Property Tax and Income Surtax was reviewed.  After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the resolution for the voted PPEL which  will be put on the September 12th ballot. Ayes – Luett, Ginapp, Kohler, Rowe, and Schilling. Motion carried  unanimously. A copy of the resolution may be viewed in the Central Springs business office in Manly.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Nora Springs Rockford Register and the Manly Junction  Signal as our official publication newspapers. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to appoint our Level 1 and Alternate Level 1 investigators as Brooke  Brunsvold, Rob Hoffman, and Ken Estes, and our Level 2 investigators as Aaron Pals and the individuals on the AEA list  as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to appoint Ahlers & Cooney as our legal counsel. Motion carried  unanimously.  

After discussion, motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the sharing agreement of Communication  Director with Forest City CSD as presented with the correction of wording under 1. Term, Article 4. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve 1st Security Bank and Trust with a limit of $6,000,000 as our  depository bank. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were presented. The sale of vehicles from last month has been finalized and titles transferred, school  supplies for this fall were ordered by secretaries this past week, yearend expenditures have been updated but will continue  to pay accrued expenses until August 30th. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the financial  statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $407,649.21, Management - $138,548.60, SAVE - $75,807.02,  PPEL - $1,403.13, Activity - $6,526.60and Nutrition - $7,361.08. Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to  approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Suggestions for the August 21st board meeting to be held in Manly include handbooks, school conference, and PPEL.    

The Board went into a closed session at 6:51 pm to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa code 21.5(1)(i). The  Board came out of closed session at 8:02 pm.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  

Dave Luett, Board President Jean Schilling, Vice-President 

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 07/19/2023 - 09:32

Board Minutes - 2023.08.21

Board Minutes - 2023.08.21


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in

Manly on August 21, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other Board members

present were Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Jean Schilling. Lori Ginapp was absent. Also present were Superintendent

Lehmann, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Bill Shafer, and Chris Arians. Nancy Lund attended electronically. Lori Ginapp

arrived at 5:32 pm.


Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of the FFA

Fundraising request under Consent Agenda, and a report from the Social Studies Dept under New Business, item 7.g.

Motion carried unanimously.


There were no Public Comments.


In Administrative Reports, Principal Estes shared about the professional development day last Thursday that was led by

Formative Assessment speaker Dylan William for the teachers and paras, and staff are now busy getting ready for the

students to start, Principal Brunsvold sat in on some of the new staff training and was very pleased at the reception and

help they are receiving as new staff, class sizes are holding steady although the closing of the Little Rascals’ daycare has

had some effects, overall elementary is off to a good start. Superintendent Lehmann suggested jumping to agenda item

7.g. to allow the teachers to give their presentation.


Bill Shafer and Chris Arians shared a presentation of the PD trip they took this summer with Josh Bass to the CATO

Sphere Summit held in Washington D.C. where they spent time learning about and receiving resources for teaching Civic

Culture. All three felt it was time well spent and a worthwhile conference to attend.


Superintendent Lehmann’s administrative report included a summary of this past week with new teachers, inservice and

parent-teacher conferences to start the year, many facilities projects have been completed but still working on a few things

with the HVAC system in the high school, will need to look at air conditioning for the Manly elementary, and he is

continuing to work on the Safety Grant which will include window coverings and other building improvements.


For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve the board minutes for the July 11th

regular board meeting, to approve employee contracts for Jessica Smith, MS Special Education Teacher, Gibson Metellus,

MS Wrestling Coach, Emily Ford, HS Para Educator, Kaylee Leach, Elem Para Educator, Elizabeth Larson, Elem Para

Educator, to approve the resignation of Gwen Mellmann as business manager/board secretary, and to approve the

fundraising request of the FFA for fruit sales. Motion carried unanimously.


For Old Business, concerns were voiced about some PO boxes not receiving the Voted PPEL flyers that were mailed, the

administration is watching the hot weather forecast for school and activities.

In New Business, motion was made by Schilling to approve all board policies as presented but to table the 503’s until

further clarification can be done. The motion died due to lack of a second. After discussion motion was made by Kohler,

seconded by Rowe to approve the standard policy review of Board Policies 411.1, 411.2, 411.3, 411.4, 411.5, 411.6,

411.7, 411.8, the IASB quarterly update 2nd reading of Board Policies 402.5 (new), 503.7 (new), 503.7E1 (new), 503.7E2

(new), and 605.3E5 (new). Roll call vote: Ginapp-aye, Rowe-aye, Kohler-aye, Schilling-aye except for the 503’s, Luettaye.

Motion passed.


Handbooks were reviewed for Support Staff, Teachers, Elementary, Middle School, and High School Students, and

Technology. Motion was made by Kohler to table approval of the handbooks until further review. Motion was seconded

by Ginapp. Roll call vote: Ginapp-aye, Rowe-aye, Kohler-aye, Schilling-aye, Luett-nay. Motion passed.


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve an agreement with the North Iowa Therapeutic Instructional

Consortium (Four Oaks Family and Children’s Services) for instructional services. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the shared media specialist agreement with Riceville CSD

and St. Ansgar CSD. Motion carried unanimously.


Financial statements were presented. Yearend adjustments to the Student Activity Fund accounts were shared with the

Board. FY23 will be closed at the end of August for transactions. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to

accept the financial reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $376,449.58, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $232,293.02,

Activity - $1,085.00, Nutrition - $3,666.48. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to approve the bills as

presented. Motion carried unanimously.


President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.


Our next board meeting will be held September 18th in the Middle School library in Nora Springs.


Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 08/22/2023 - 09:45

Board Minutes - 2023.09.18

Board Minutes - 2023.09.18


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs on September 18, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave Luett. Other  Board members present were Jean Schilling, Lori Ginapp, and Ashley Kohler. Joe Rowe arrived at 5:33 pm. Also  present were Superintendent Lehmann, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, and Nancy Lund. Lisa Arians  attended electronically.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

For Public Comments Lori Jost stopped in prior to the meeting to thank the Board for the new middle school bleachers –  they are a great addition to the gym and are appreciated by everyone.  

In Administrative Reports, Principal Hoffman commented that the year is off and running, the bleachers are done and are  now handicap accessible and easier to manipulate, fall middle school sports show 61% participation – the highest rate to  date, Principal Brunsvold reported that the elementary is off to a good start, preschool is now in session, she was able to  attend the Ag-Fair in Northwood with the students and reported what an awesome event, and the elementary is currently  

finishing up FAST testing, Principal Estes shared that the staff will be working with the ISASP data they’ve received, our  professional development plans this year are focused on increasing student achievement for K-12 students, Homecoming  is scheduled for this next week, we will also be hosting a home cross country meet next week, and plans are being made to  hold a Suicide Awareness Day on Oct. 3rd, Superintendent Lehmann reported that we will also be hosting a state  qualifying cross country meet on Oct 19th so will have a 2:05 dismissal to prepare, he shared a letter from Superintendent  Joe Erickson who attended the August 17th PD day here with Dylan William speaking on Formative Assessment, he  mentioned the ISASP Student Achievement Scores are in and look good, initial enrollment numbers are being gathered,  the September E-newsletter was opened by 74% of the people it was sent to which is a strong number, he shared numbers  of the Summer Food Program in Nora Springs and thanked the Adams Family Foundation for funding this program for us,  the administration is organizing PD for the paras for our Wednesday early dismissal, and the Revenue Purpose Statement  Election was mentioned.  

An addition to the Consent Agenda is a fall fundraising request by Cole Younger. Motion was made by Schilling,  seconded by Rowe to approve the board minutes for the August 21st regular board meeting and the August 30th special  board meeting, to approve employee contracts for Kipp Beyer as middle school cross country coach, Trenton Wirtjes as  middle school boys basketball coach, to approve a zero-period contract addition for Belinda Nelson as high school special  education teacher, to approve a contract adjustment for Kipp Beyer moving from BA to BA+15, to approve resignations  from Holly Main as middle school cross country coach, Rob Hoffman as middle school boys basketball coach, and Kris  Brass as Daycare Para in Nora Springs, and to approve the fundraising request of Cole Younger. Motion carried  unanimously. 

For Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann shared information about the Voted PPEL election, missing the vote by 9.  After discussion it was decided to table for a couple of months any further action towards another election.  

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Ginapp to approve the standard policy review of Board  Policies 412.1, 412.2, 412.3, 412.4. Motion carried unanimously.  


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to increase our substitute pay rates for cook to $11.00, adult custodian  to $12.00, and summer mowing to $10.00 for mowing only. Roll call vote: Schilling – abstain, Rowe – aye, Ginapp –  aye, Kohler – aye, Luett – aye. Motion carried.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the District to request spending authority from the SBRC  for our FY23 Special Education Deficit in the amount of $577,440.00. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the District to post a Public Hearing Notice in October  concerning our Flex Account transactions. Motion carried unanimously.  

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the job description for the District Office Administrative  Assistant/Board Secretary. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were presented. FY23 state reports are finished and certified, audit is scheduled for September 21  and 22 and would like a board member to be available for the exit interview on Friday. Jean Schilling or Ashley Kohler  will attend. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Schilling to accept the financial reports as presented. Motion  carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $182,489.23, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $261,535.58,  Activity - $25,900.46, Nutrition - $18,941.45. After discussion motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to  approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Suggestions for the October 16, 2023 Board Meeting include the public hearing for the flex spending account, an update  on the stop signs for Nora Springs.  

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:22 p.m.  

Our next board meeting will be held October 16th in the High School library in Manly.  

Respectfully Submitted, 

_________________________________ ______________________________  Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 09/19/2023 - 10:00

Board Minutes - 2023.10.16

Board Minutes - 2023.10.16


The Public Hearing for the Flexibility Account Notice was opened at 5:30 p.m. by President Luett. Being

there were no public comments the hearing was closed at 5:31 p.m.


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School

Library in Manly on October 16, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by President Dave

Luett. Other Board members present were Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler and Jean Schilling. Also

present were Superintendent Lehmann, Ken Estes, Rob Hoffman, Joe Ryan, and Nancy Lund. Bill Shafer

and Josh Berman attended electronically.


Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried



For Public Comments Ashley Kohler informed everyone that there will be a Meet and Greet for the

Board candidates to be held at the Nora Springs library on October 29th from 5 to 6 p.m.


In Administrative Reports, Principal Hoffman shared and explained the ISASP results with the Board, he

commented that the intermediate and middle school have implemented some changes that have helped

the year get off to a good start, Principal Estes talked about the Suicide Awareness day that was

facilitated by AEA staff, we had a few athletes finish well at the TIC cross country meet held at NIACC last

week, and we will be hosting a state qualifying cross country meet here this Thursday, Superintendent

Lehmann shared that the Revenue Purpose Statement information is posted on our website, reiterating

that this vote will be approving verbiage only for approved expenditures using our LOSST/SAVE monies

we receive, there is no additional tax incurred, our certified enrollment ended with a 22.55 decrease in

student population, the IASB Convention will be held before our next meeting – please let him know if

you plan to attend, 2 new flashing stop signs have been ordered for the Nora Springs campus and will be

purchased through a grant request of the Adams Family Foundation, in legislative updates he expressed

concern for funding with the tax cuts that have been passed, AEA’s will also see funding cuts that will

impact our local schools and the services we receive from them, we are looking at implementing K-12

Docs and an HR module that will work with our current business software that we use.


For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Schilling to approve the board

minutes from the September 18th regular board meeting, to approve employee contracts for Jake

Kaune as Assistant Football coach, Adam Wymore as Head Baseball Coach, Cecelia Hemsworth as Head

Girls Track coach, Josh Bass as Assistant Boys Track coach, to approve the adjustment to Becky Miller’s

FY23 track contract, to approve the resignations of Jeannie Newell as NS Daycare Para, Josh Bass as MS

Track Coach, to approve the 2 early graduation requests pending completion of Board graduation

requirements, and to recognize the $200 donation from the Rock Sirius Lodge for the NS 1st grade

classroom. Motion carried unanimously.


There was no Old Business.


In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the standard policy

review of Board Policies 413.1, 413.1R1CS, 413.2, 413.3, 413.4, 413.5, and 414. Motion carried



Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the additional language for mileage and

reimbursements to be added to the support staff and teacher handbooks. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve the Flexibility Account Board Resolution to

move $140,000 from the Teacher Leadership State Aid to the General Fund to be used for employee

benefits and salaries. Motion carried unanimously.


The FY23 CAR reports were shared with the Board along with an overview. Motion was made by Rowe,

seconded by Ginapp to approve the CAR reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Principal Estes shared a comparison for Pepsi and Coca-Cola contracts. After discussion motion was

made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp to approve a contract with Coca Cola. Motion carried



The annual Transportation Report was shared and discussed.


Financial statements were presented. Admin and district office are finishing up the second wave of

state reports for Fall BEDS, Certified Enrollment, and Title grant monies, after finishing up CAR, Special

Ed, and Annual Transportation Reports. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to accept the

financial reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $177,316.69, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE -

$102,207.97, PPEL - $9,015.01, Activity - $15,558.57, Nutrition - $31,869.06. Motion was made by

Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the bills as presented. Roll Call Vote: Kohler – aye, Rowe – aye,

Schilling – abstain, Luett – aye. Motion carried.


President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m.


Our next board meeting will be held November 20th in the Middle School library in Nora Springs.

Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________

Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 10/17/2023 - 10:56

Board Minutes - 2023.11.20

Board Minutes - 2023.11.20


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle
School Library in Nora Springs on November 20, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by
President Dave Luett. Other Board members present were Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, Jean Schilling and
Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Brooke Brunsvold, Josh
Berman, Bill Shafer, Sean Arthur, Lori Jost, and AEA members Nicole Lovik, Steph Storby, and Amber
Dietz. Lisa Arians and Chris Arians attended electronically.

Motion was made by Ginapp, seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried

There were no Public Comments.

In Administrative Reports, Amber Dietz from our local AEA District spoke to the Board on the different
services they provide to our district staff and students, and some additional services that are available
such as working with pre-school age children providing early access learning, and work experience
opportunities. Superintendent Lehmann echoed the benefits we receive from our AEA and encouraged
everyone to reach out to legislators asking for continued support to the state’s AEA funding. Principal
Brunsvold reported on the professional development her staff is doing on Wednesday afternoons
including Formative Assessments, the elementaries had very successful Food Can Drives at both
campuses, Panther Pride Turkey Bowling was enjoyed this past week, Principal Hoffman reported that
79% of the 6-8 grade parents attended PT conferences and 91% of the 4-5 grade parents came, the
Senior Citizen Dinner was attended by over 90 senior citizens, Veterans Day assemblies were held at
both campuses, and the district received a Commendable rating from the ISASP scores, Superintendent
Lehmann asked the Board members who attended the IASB conference to share their take-away, and
reminded the Board that the December meeting will be our organizational meeting, SIAC meeting is
scheduled for Nov 28th, Dec 5th calendar meeting, he will be attending a legislator meeting at NIACC in
the morning with another meeting with Representative Bloomingdale and Senator Brown in Northwood
in the afternoon, and gave an update on facilities projects and funding.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from
the October 16, 2023 board meeting, to approve contracts for Kristy Bohner, NS Daycare ParaEducator,
Jacqueline Dalluge, Administrative Assistant/Board Secretary, to approve Josh Ginapp, Zack Ryg, and
Preston Prazak as volunteer wrestling coaches for the 2023-24 season, to approve the resignation of Lisa
Bramer as shared social worker, to approve the fundraising request of Music Boosters to sell T-shirts and
the Manly PTO to have a vendor show, and to acknowledge donations from WCDA of gift cards for the
preschool and preschool tuition monies, the NSRF Ed Foundation for the purchase of teacher requests,
and the Adams Family Foundation for preschool tuition monies. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no Old Business.

In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the standard policy review
of Board Policies 501.1, 501.2, 501.3, 501.4, 501.5, 501.6, 501.7, 501.8, 501.9, and 501.9E1. Motion
carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to approve policies 802.4 and 904.1. Motion carried

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Kohler to approve the 1st reading of new policy 503.8, 503.1,
503.1R1, 503.2. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve IASB primer updates for 401.1, and
701.5R1. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the District Career and Academic Plan as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Lehmann gave a certified enrollment update, informing the Board that we are down
22.5 students, and shared a report which shows the number of students using the 1st year vouchers.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve a Middle School Wrestling Sharing
Agreement with Rockford CSD. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to accept the
financial reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $92,223.69, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE -
$32,091.15, Activity - $22,515.05, Nutrition - $36,726.63. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by

Rowe to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held December 18, 2023 in the High School library in Manly.
Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Dave Luett, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Mon, 11/27/2023 - 10:06

Board Minutes - 2023.12.18

Board Minutes - 2023.12.18




The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School

Library in Manly on December 18, 2023. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Dave

Luett. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Lori Ginapp, Joe Rowe, and Jean Schilling.

Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Ken Estes, Sara Meinders, Jackie Dalluge, Josh Berman, and

Sean Arthur.


Motion was made by Ginapp seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried



Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Ginapp for the Board to move into a closed session per Iowa

Code, Chapter 21.5(1)(a) to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or

federal law to be kept confidential. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Rowe to return to Open Session at 6:07 pm. Motion carried



Kevin and Sabrina Howes joined the meeting.


For Public Comments, Sabrina Howes shared concerns of safety in the school, also shared concerns of

leniency in some of the policies and asked for consistency in implementation of Policies. President Luett

thanked her for her comments.


In Administrative Reports Principal Estes shared ISASP data for the high school, scores are good and

Central Springs is doing well in comparison to other area schools, graduation rates have dropped since

covid but are improving, and he was able to secure Perkins funds to replace some appliances for the FCS

program, shifting some of the better appliances to the Middle School FCS room, Superintendent

Lehmann reported that we will receive monies from WCDA to help replace bus cameras, he attended a

meeting at NIACC to meet with legislators to discuss legislative priorities, was in attendance at the North

Iowa Innovation meeting where there was discussion on how to deal with the labor shortages, and

shared upcoming election dates.


For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the minutes from

the November 20, 2023 board meeting, to approve a contract for Elizabeth Lambert as a special ed para

in Nora Springs, and to acknowledge donations from WCDA in the amount of $48,484.90 for bus camera

systems, and $750 from the Manly American Legion for student winter clothing. Motion carried



In Old Business, motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Ginapp to approve the 2nd reading of Board

Policy 503.8 Student Threats, and the revised Board Policies 503.1 Student Conduct, 503.1R1 Student

Suspension, and 503.2 Expulsion. Motion carried unanimously.


In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling to approve the Board Policy 503.4R1

Good Conduct Regulation. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Kohler to approve the 2023-24 Handbook Changes that

were made due to the Good Conduct Policy change. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Kohler seconded by Schilling to accept the Canvas of Election results for Sean

Arthur, Josh Berman, and Joe Rowe. Motion carried unanimously.


Outgoing President Dave Luett and Lori Ginapp were recognized and thanked for their years of service

to the school board.


Financial statements were presented. Secretary Mellmann introduced Jackie Dalluge and Sara Meinders

to the Board, and shared year to date expenditures. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Schilling

to approve the statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $271,518.40, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE -

$55,832.70, Activity - $10,183.20, Nutrition - $36,384.97. Motion was made by Schilling, seconded by

Ginapp to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


President Luett adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m.


The Organizational Meeting of the New Board of Directors was called to order by Secretary Gwen

Mellmann at 6:51 p.m. Board members in attendance were Ashley Kohler, Jean Schilling, and Joe Rowe.

Also Sean Arthur and Josh Berman.


The Oath of Office was given to Josh Berman and Sean Arthur as newly elected Board members, and Joe

Rowe as returning Board member.


Nominations for Board President were requested. Jean Schilling nominated herself, Ashley Kohler

nominated herself, Joe Rowe deferred. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Schilling, Arthur –

Schilling, Rowe – Schilling, Kohler – Kohler, Berman – Kohler. Jean Schilling was elected Board President

and was given the Oath of Office.


Secretary Mellmann turned the meeting over to President-elect Schilling.


Nominations for Vice-President were requested. Rowe nominated Kohler, Kohler nominated Rowe. Roll

call vote: Schilling – Kohler, Arthur – Kohler, Rowe – Kohler, Kohler – Rowe, Berman – Kohler. Ashley

Kohler was elected Board Vice-President.


In New Business, motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to appoint Gwen Mellmann as Board

Secretary though February 2024 and appoint Jackie Dalluge as Board Secretary starting March 2024.

Motion carried unanimously.


Discussion was held to set the date, time and location of regular board meetings. Motion was made by

Rowe, seconded by Arthur to set the meetings for the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm, rotating

between the Manly and Nora Springs campuses. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Kohler to approve the standard policy review for 501.10,

501.10R, 501.11, 501.12, 501.13, 501.14, 501.15, 501.16, and to table Board Policy 705.4 until the

January meeting. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to authorize a request to the SBRC in the amount of

$209,034 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the previous year’s certified

enrollment count. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to authorize a request to the SBRC for FY25 At-

Risk/DOP in the amount of $149,417. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to set a Public Hearing date to review the 2024-25

school year calendar for January 15, 2024 in Nora Springs starting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried



There was discussion concerning establishing board committees for Calendar, SIAC, Negotiations, IASB

Delegate Assembly, and County Conference Board. Additional committee suggestions were

Facilities/Transportation, and Communications. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to

form these 7 committees. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to appoint Schilling and Berman to the Negotiation

Committee. Motion carried unanimously.


For County Board Committee, Rowe agreed to attend for Worth County, Kohler will attend for Floyd

County, and we currently have no board members residing in Mitchell or Cerro Gordo Counties.


Topic suggestions for the January Board meeting include the calendar hearing, facilities assessment

report, and the PPEL vote.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.


The Board went into an exempt session under Iowa Code 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations.


Our next board meeting will be held January 15, 2024 in the Middle School library in Nora Springs

beginning at 6:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________

Jean Schilling, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 12/19/2023 - 10:03

Board Minutes - 2024.01.15

Board Minutes - 2024.01.15


The public hearing for the 2024-2025 school calendar was opened at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean  Schilling. The proposed calendar has a start date of August 23, 2024 and an ending date of May 23,  2025. There being no public comments the hearing was closed at 6:01 p.m.  

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle  School Library in Nora Springs on January 15, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by  President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Joe Rowe, Josh Berman, Ashley Kohler,  and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Rob Hoffman, Brooke Brunsvold, and Bill  Shafer.  

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried  unanimously.  

There were no Public Comments.  

In Administrative Reports, President Schilling shared that she has heard general public statements  concerning safety, security, and mental health, and wants to thank our admin and their resources as  they handle situations that arise, and is reminded of the saying ‘if you see something harmful, do  something helpful’, Principal Hoffman reported that the middle school is working on building climate  using Character Strong, focusing on emotions, just completed an exercise Thanks for Being a Buddy  which collected almost 1300 positive interaction notes, and then gave an informative overview of the  safety plans, their development and training that is in place at Central Springs, Principal Brunsvold  informed the Board that preschool registration will be opening soon in the next 2 to 3 weeks, teachers are attempting to do mid-year testing between snow days, and elementary is planning a Bingo for Books  activity for students and parents, Superintendent Lehmann voiced appreciation for the admin’s help this  past weekend as well as the resources who were involved including the AEA and local law enforcement,  he shared information about the IASB Day on the Hill, RSAI, update on other legislative items, and  facilities and transportation spreadsheets.  

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from  the December 18, 2023 board meeting, and to acknowledge a $250 donation from Manly Development  for elementary PE equipment. Motion carried unanimously.  

In Old Business, the Board Committee structures were discussed. Board member assignments are as  follows: Certified Negotiation Committee – Berman & Schilling, Calendar Committee – Kohler & Arthur,  SIAC Committee – Berman & Rowe, IASB Delegate Assembly – Schilling, County Committee – Rowe  (Worth), Kohler (Floyd), Communications – Kohler & Schilling, Facilities and Transportation – Rowe &  Berman.  

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the standard policy review  of Board Policies 502.1, 502.2, 502.3, 502.3R1, 502.4, 502.5, 502.6, and the review of Board Policy  705.4R1. Aye votes: Rowe, Berman, Arthur, Schilling, Nay vote: Kohler. Motion carried.  

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to accept the quote from Hoglund Bus Company in the  amount of $64,495 for school bus cameras, paid in large part by a donation from WCDA. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Berman to accept the quote from Harty Mechanical in the  amount of $52,129 for Phase III of the Nora Springs HVAC Controls Project. Motion carried  unanimously.  

Discussion was held concerning the voted PPEL. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to  move forward with a voted PPEL on the September ballot. Motion carried unanimously.  

Financial statements were presented. A few Forecast Five reports generated by Sara Meinders were  shared that showed revenues and expenditures both monthly and year to date. The Board agreed they  would like to continue to see these reports. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve  the statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $351,720.64, Management - $1,458.00, SAVE -  $9,900.23, PPEL - $4,838.49, Trust - $1,000.00, Activity - $40,433.21, Nutrition - $20,239.24. Motion was  made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Rowe – aye,  Kohler – aye, Arthur – aye, Schilling – aye, Berman abstained. Motion carried.  

Suggestions for the February 19, 2024 Board meeting include a look at sub teacher costs.  Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to adjourn the meeting at 8:57 p.m.  

The Board went into an exempt session under Iowa Code 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations, strategy  meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of  arbitration.  

The Board came out of closed session at 9:30 p.m.  

Our next board meeting will be held February 19, 2024 in the High School library in Manly beginning at 6:00 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,  

_________________________________ ______________________________  Jean Schilling, Board President Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 01/16/2024 - 17:19

Board Minutes - 2024.02.19

Board Minutes - 2024.02.19

Unapproved CENTRAL SPRINGS SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES – February 19, 2024 The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on February 19, 2024.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling.  Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Joe Rowe, Josh Berman, and Sean Arthur.  Also present were Superintendent Lehmann, Jackie Dalluge, Rob Hoffman, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Lori Ginapp, and Bill Shafer. Lisa Arians and Chris Arians attended electronically.  

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

For Public Comments, Lori Ginapp spoke to the Board about the process and cost she calculated to obtain her substitute teacher licensure, and the various sub rates paid by the different districts.

In Administrative Reports, President Schilling shared topics from the IASB Day on the Hill that she attended, Principal Brunsvold reported that preschool and kindergarten registration are now open and will be hosting an open house in Manly on March 25th and Nora Springs on March 26th for these families, Title I Books & Bingo had 95 people attend in Manly and Nora Springs will host on February 26, Principal Hoffman shared that ISASP training and testing will be coming up, 8th grade will be attending Discover Day at NIACC, Principal Estes reported that the middle and high school counselors are working with the 8th graders on the transition to high school, shared some history on the many band instruments purchased with WCDA monies, and gave an update on the extra-curricular winter activities mentioning that wrestling just wrapped up another successful season, Superintendent Lehmann reported that we will be posting a Public Hearing for the Certified Budget, CTE classes must have an organized club by next fall, asked if we can move next month’s meeting to March 19th due to a conflict, would like to continue the employee apparel incentive that we started this past fall, and still waiting for SSA to be set, will probably be 2.5 or 3%.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from the January 15, 2024 regular board meeting and the January 30, 2024 special board meeting, to approve a contract for Jake Kaune as assistant boys track coach, Allison Day as elementary music teacher, Shay Hall as shared social worker, resignations from Jessica Wegner, 1st grade teacher, Marena Henkle, elementary music teacher, Khiya Knudtson, Manly paraeducator, Marissa Norby, MS Basketball coach,  Lisa Arians, 1st grade teacher, and Nicole McCoid, Nora Springs paraeducator.  Motion carried unanimously.  President Schilling wanted to thank Lisa Arians for her many years of service. In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann provided a legislative update including the preschool weighting implementation, school start date change, teacher pay adjustment with TSS monies, and the state is looking at using one statewide student database.

In New Business motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Berman to approve the standard policy review of Board Policies 502.7, 502.8, 502.8R1, 502.8E1, 502.9, and 502.10. Motion carried unanimously.  Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the review of IASB Primer 713, 713.R1, 605.6, 605.6R1, 605.8, 605.8R1, 701.1, 701.2, 701.3, 701.4, 703.1, and 703.2. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Kohler to approve the 2024-2025 WCDA Budget.  Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to accept the quote from Mid-West Roofing for Sections B & C at the Manly campus in the amount of $86,413.  Motion carried unanimously.   Motion was made by Berman, seconded by Arthur to accept the quote from Eckerman Construction in the amount of $58,460 for Hunter Douglas shades at the Nora Springs and Manly campuses.  Roll call vote: Rowe – aye, Berman – aye, Arthur – aye, Schilling – aye, Kohler – nay. Motion carried. After review motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Kohler to accept the FY23 audit report from Schnurr & Company. Motion carried unanimously. Financial statements were presented.  Superintendent Lehmann showed the Board where to find certain reports and explained the information they contain.  Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Kohler to approve the statements as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. Board bills were presented in the amounts of:  General - $548,044.66, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE - $54,888.26, PPEL - $63,146.86, Activity - $16,964.15, Nutrition - $37,302.80.  Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the bills as presented.  Roll call vote: Kohler – aye, Rowe – aye, Berman – abstain, Arthur – aye, Schilling – aye. Motion carried.

Suggestions for the March 19, 2024 Board meeting include discussing daycare options and the Board committees. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to go into a closed session at 7:50 pm to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i). The Board came out of closed session and reconvened at 8:27 p.m.  Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m.

The Board went into an exempt session under Iowa Code 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations, strategy meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of arbitration. Our next board meeting will be held March 19, 2024 in the Middle School library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

 Respectfully Submitted,  _________________________________ ______________________________ Jean Schilling, Board President   Gwen Mellmann, Board Secretary 

kheidemann@cen… Tue, 02/20/2024 - 13:32

Board Minutes - 2024.03.19

Board Minutes - 2024.03.19


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle
School Library in Nora Springs on March 19, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by
President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur, and
Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Lehmann and Gwen Mellmann.
Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to appoint Ashley Kohler as Secretary pro tem in the
absence of Jackie Dalluge. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried

For Public Comments, Kohler mentioned that the EMS bill for Worth County might be on the September

In Administrative Reports, President Schilling shared that she attended a tif meeting March 1st in
Northwood, would like to extend sympathies from the Board to the Dotzler family for their loss, and
wished to extend appreciation to Gwen Mellmann for her years of service to the school district, there
were no principal reports to share, Superintendent Lehmann asked the Board to share their thoughts
about the voted PPEL, would like to congratulate Steph Miller & Missy Bucknell for their Central Rivers
AEA ABC Paraeducator nominations, gave an update on the facilities projects, and shared a google doc
template that he would like to use for input as to shared superintendent expectations from the Board.
Bill Shafer joined the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

For the Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the minutes from
the February 19, 2024 regular board meeting, to approve a contract for Cassie Rowell as Prom Advisor
and Student Council Advisor, Aly Crum as an elementary teacher in Nora Springs, Susan Freeman as a
4th-5th grade science teacher, to accept the resignations from Belinda Nelson as Prom Advisor and
Student Council Advisor, and Amber Brown as a Manly Paraprofessional at the end of this school year.
Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann provided a legislative update. He attended a meeting with
the Governor, spoke with Jane Dufoe, Waylon Brown and Jane Bloomingdale, state receipts are down,
SSA still has not been set, and the AEA and teacher salary bill are still moving so asked the Board to
continue to reach out to their legislators.

In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to approve the standard policy
review of Board Policies 503.3 and 503.3R1, to approve the second reading of new AI Board policies
605.8 and 605.8R1, and to approve the annual review of Board Policy 505.8 Parent & Family
Engagement. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the FY24 Iowa LGRP agreement for the
amount of $133,777.80. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to accept the bid from School Bus Sales for a 78
passenger Blue Bird school bus for $145,782, to be delivered in the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried

Superintendent Lehmann gave an overview of the FY25 Budget. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded
by Arthur to set April 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly as the Public Hearing time
and date for the Proposed Tax Rate, and to set April 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library as
the Public Hearing on the 2024-25 Budget and the 2023-24 Budget Amendment. Motion carried

Financial statements were presented. The Board likes the new reports that Sara has compiled and
shared and would like to continue with them. After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded
by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amounts of: General - $99,354.55, Management - $1,400.00, SAVE -
$54,469.54, PPEL - $1,960.65, Trust Fund - $500.00, Activity - $6,034.37, Nutrition - $38,386.40. Motion
was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the bills as presented. Aye votes – Schilling, Rowe,
Arthur, and Kohler, Berman abstained, motion carried.

Suggestions for the April 15 Board meeting include FY25 Budget, negotiations, and continued talks about

President Schilling adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be held April 15, 2024 in the High School library in Manly beginning at 6:00

Respectfully Submitted,

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President Ashley Kohler, Pro Tem Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 03/20/2024 - 13:26

Board Minutes - 2024.04.15

Board Minutes - 2024.04.15

April 15, 2024

The public hearing for the FY25 Budget was opened at 6:00 p.m. President Schilling asked for
comments; there were none. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman the hearing
closed at 6:01 p.m.

The public hearing for the FY24 Budget Amendment was opened at 6:01 p.m. President
Schilling asked for comments; there were none. Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by
Berman the hearing closed at 6:02 p.m.

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
High School Library at Manly on April 15, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by
President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Joe Rowe, Sean
Arthur, and Josh Berman. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary
Jackie Dalluge, Shared School Business Official Sara Meinders, Rob Hoffman, Ken Estes,
Cassandra Rowell, Barb Shafer, Kendra Kelley, and Teresa Mathers. Joining remoting was
Chris Arians, Bill Shafer, and Holly Shook.

There were public comments made regarding pickleball at the Nora Springs Campus.

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Estes who shared the information about
ISASP testing that is starting this week. Principal Hoffman shared about the increased
attendance that was had for our spring parent teacher conferences, the many accomplishments
of the Battle of the Books team, FPS group, and that individuals advanced state competition for
Special Olympics. He also shared about the ISASP testing that would be taking place this week
and about the recent band and vocal concert. Superintendent Lehmann shared about the NHS
banquet last month, also about AEA planning for next year with the new legislation.

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, second by Berman to approve the minutes
from the April 1, 2024 public hearing and March 19, 2024 regular board meeting with the
revision to the statement EMS Bill to EMS Levy for the southern area of Worth County. To
approve the contracts for Anna Dietrich - Assistant Softball Coach for Summer of 24 & 25, Clair
Walkner - Nora Springs Daycare, Kristy Bohner - Nora Springs Daycare, Megan Shimek - Nora
Springs Preschool Para. Resignation from Marissa Norby - K12 PE and High School Health at
the end of this school year. The board also acknowledged a $100 anonymous donation, two
field day donations in the amount of $100 each from Nora Springs Insurance and Pinicon Farm
Partnership. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business, Superintendent Lehmann provided a legislative update.

In New Business motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the standard
review of Board Policies 503.5, 503.6, 503.6R1, 503.6E1, 503.6E2, 503.6E3. Motion carried

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the 2024-25 School Year Calendar
Revision. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Individual Procurement Cards was discussed. Motion was
made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

The Budget for 2024-25 was reviewed Motion was made by Berman, seconded by Kohler to
approve the 24-25 Budget with a proposed tax rate of $9.41666. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the Amended Budget for 2023-24.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the Graduating Class of 2024.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the agreement with CSEA for a
$1,530 pool increase per teacher, increase the hiring base to $33,700, increase the
supplemental to $32,400. The agreement also includes language in regards to the CTE student
Organization transition and language in regards to horizontal lane advancements. Motion
carried unanimously.

Contracts for certified, non-certified, and administration were presented with a 3.26% increase,
having an issue date of April 16, 2024 with a return date of May 6, 2024. The teacher salaries
also reflect the new state teacher minimums of $47,500 and $60,000 for teachers who have
completed 12+ years of teaching experience. Motion was made by Berman and seconded by
Arthur. Roll call vote: Rowe - aye, Berman -aye, Arthur - aye, Kohler - nay, Schilling - abstained.
Motion carried.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman.
Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presents in the amounts of: General - $67,458.46, SAVE - $36,586.60, PPEL -
$4,389.10, Trust Fund - $500.00, Activity - $10,288.04, Nutrition - $27, 365.21. Motion was
made by Kohler, seconded by Berman. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the May 20, 2024 Board Meeting include strategic planning options and the
decision on moving forward with PPEL.

President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 6:57p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held May 20, 2024 in the Nora Springs Library beginning at

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President  Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Fri, 04/19/2024 - 08:46

Board Minutes - 2024.05.20

Board Minutes - 2024.05.20


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs on May 20, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice President Ashley Kohler. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Rob Hoffman, and Brooke Brunsvold. Joining remotely was Chris Arians and Bill Shafer. Jean Schilling joined the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no public comments.

Administrative reports were heard from Principal Hoffman who shared positive preliminary data from the recent ISASP testing that was completed. He also talked about the different approach the middle school took on disciplinary actions this year with having lunch detentions and how they plan to continue to improve it next year. Hoffman has noted that the bigger out of school and in school detentions have dropped and he hasn’t seen numbers this low since COVID. Principal Brunsvold shared FAST data regarding the difference in growth from the fall data to the spring data and how staff look at the data that help make sure they are on the right track. She also shared how staff participated in individualized development plans and were able to pick a topic that they wanted to get better at throughout the course of the year. Brunsvold also talked about Camp Skeeter and all the activities that the elementary students have been doing here at the end of the school year. On behalf of Ken Estes, Darwin Lehmann shared about the Lake Mills E-Sports team coming and talking to the High School about the program and how there were a number of students who showed interest in E-Sports. Superintendent Lehmann shared about attending the Top of Iowa Art Show and recognized the students that received awards at that, he also shared about Senior Awards night and the Nora Springs Kindergarten Circus that has been going on for 30+ years. Lehmann also mentioned that there will be a summer lunch provided for the month of June at the Nora Springs Campus thanks to a grant from the Adams Family Foundation.

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Berman to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2024 regular board meeting. To approve the contracts for Tiffany Dickson, PE/Health Teacher, the contract adjustments for Brittany Guthart, Paraprofessional (hours adjustment); Amanda Stauffacher (hours adjustment), Elizabeth Asfahl, Teaching endorsement; Cassie Rowell, Junior Class Prom and the employee resignations from Brooke Olson, Human Resource Director; Fred Danger III, Custodial/Bus Driver; Trenton Wirtjes, MS Boys BB; Shannon Dykstra, Asst Girls Basketball Coach. The board also acknowledged a donation in the amount of $75 from the Pickleball spectators and participants at the Nora Springs Campus. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business, discussion of voted PPEL. A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to move forward with the voted PPEL on the September ballot. The motion made by Kohler was amended after further consideration. A motion was made by Kohler to amend her previous motion and was seconded by Arthur. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made to move the voted PPEL to the March ballot due to the EMS bill being on the September ballot. Motion carried unanimously.

In New Business a motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the review of Board Policies 504.1, 504.2, 504.4, 504.6, 405.2, 411.2, 504.5 (rescind), 507.8R1, 704.1, 704.6, 704.6R1 (New), 706.2, 706.3, 706.3R1, 707.1, 707.2 (rescind), 707.3 (rescind), 707.4 Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the Floyd County Ag Society Fair Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Berman and seconded by Arthur to approve the sharing agreements for Curriculum Director; Special Education; Superintendent; School Business Official; Communications Director, Social Worker, Media. Motion carried unanimously. Superintendent Lehmann and Board Secretary Dalluge (on behalf of the entire Central Springs Community School District) expressed their appreciation to all the school board members for their dedication and service to the district in honor of May being School Board Recognition Month. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the purchase of 40 Macbook’s for the district from Apple in the amount of $39, 160. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to approve the purchase of 400 Ipad’s for the district from Apple in the amount of $129,600. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the quote from Eddy’s Glass in the amount of $185,600. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General- $235, 761.14, Management- $1,400 SAVE- $17,420.10, PPEL- $5,099.19 Activity- $21,666.89, Nutrition- $36, 218.18. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the June 17, 2024 Board Meeting include discussing PPEL.

The Central Springs Board of Education went into closed session to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i).The Board came out of closed session at 8:20 p.m. Our next board meeting will be held on June 17, 2024 in the High School Library in Manly beginning at 6:00 p.m.


_________________________________ Jean Schilling, Board President ______________________________ Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Fri, 05/24/2024 - 14:19

Board Minutes - 2024.06.17

Board Minutes - 2024.06.17

The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on June 17, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, and Brooke Brunsvold. Ashley Kohler joined the meeting at 6:09 p.m. There were no public comments.

Administrative reports were heard from Board President Schillings who shared about her time on June 13th at the Iowa Fine Arts Education Summit. Principal Brunsvold talked about the summer cleaning that is going on at the Nora Springs Campus and their great progress. She mentioned that individual tutoring is going on and the extended school year services through special education are currently underway. Brunsvold also shared about LETRS training, there will be 27 Teachers participating in it throughout the 24-25 school year. Superintendent Lehmann echoed that the summer cleaning at the Nora Springs Campus is off to a great start and they will be done at the end of June. He shared that the building projects at both campuses are in full swing and coming along nicely.

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2024 regular board meeting and to approve the minutes from the June 6, 2024 special board meeting with the revision to the statement discussions to the board on governance structure to discussions to the board on governance structure in a work session. To approve the contract adjustment for Jessica Flippo and Jessica Smith and the employee resignation from Jake Kaune, Assistant Football Coach. The board also acknowledged a donation from Photography by Michelle. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business, discussion of voted PPEL. The board reviewed and discussed the timeline of events for the VPPEL and how they would like to be processed.

In New Business a motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the review of Board Policies 505.1, 505.2, 505.3, 505.4, 505.5, 505.6, 505.6RCS, 505.6ECS, 505.7, 505.8, 505.8R1 and the second reading of 704.6R1. Revised 505.1 was tabled until the July Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Berman and seconded by Rowe to approve the Shared Industrial Technology teacher with Osage. Motion carried unanimously.

The 2024-25 Legislative priorities were reviewed. After discussion motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the following as our top priorities Supplemental State Aid, Drop Out Prevention, School Funding, and School Choice/Oversight Public Education. Motion carried unanimously.

Milk Bids received for the 2024-25 school year were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the bid received by Anderson Erickson Dairy for milk supplies. Motion carried unanimously.

Bread bids received for the 2024-25 school year were reviewed. Motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Rowe to approve the bid received by Pan-O-Gold for bread supplies. Motion carried unanimously.

The Equipment Maintenance Proposal was reviewed and discussed. Motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to approve the Equipment Maintenance Proposal in the amount of $142,494 which will be paid out of the Management Fund and reimburse the General Fund for repairs and maintenance. Motion carried unanimously.

The Online Auction and Consignment agreement with JRT Sales, LLC & K-BID was reviewed and discussed. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to table the agenda item. until the July meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman. Motion carried unanimously. Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $792,538.81, Management - $1,400 SAVE - $34,037.58, PPEL - $144,559.84 Activity - $30,991.86, Nutrition - $24,019.64. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the July 23, 2024 (note the meeting date changed) board meeting include discussion of PPEL.

Motion was made at 7:43 p.m. by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to go into closed session to evaluate the superintendent pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i). Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made at 9:15 p.m. by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to come out of the closed session meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held on July 23, 2024 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m. _________________________________ ______________________________ Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Fri, 06/21/2024 - 08:13

Public Hearing minutes - 2024.04.01

Public Hearing minutes - 2024.04.01


The Central Springs Community School District met for a public hearing on April 1st, 2024 at
6:00pm in the Manly High School Library.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:00pm by President Jean Schilling.
Members present were Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler, Sean Arthur, Jean Schilling, and Josh
Berman. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge,
and Shared School Business Official Sara Meinders. 3 guests were present.

Motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
carried unanimously.

The 2024-2025 Proposed Property Tax Levy Statement was presented.

There were no written comments to the board.

There was discussion held on the current tax rate levy with the guests that were present.

Arthur motioned to adjourn the public hearing, seconded by Kohler. Motion carried unanimously.
The hearing adjourned at 6:11pm.

_________________________________ ______________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

kheidemann@cen… Wed, 04/03/2024 - 10:05


2024-25 BOARD MINUTES adietrich@cent… Wed, 07/24/2024 - 15:11

Board Agenda - 2024.12.16

Board Agenda - 2024.12.16


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on December 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur and Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Communication/HR Director Anna Blair, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Dalcy Lorentzen, Barb Shafer, Deb Hamand, and Roger Wilcox. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Public comment was made by Ashley Kohler regarding the Elementary Music Concert and the amount of positive feedback she has received and a kudos to Miss Day on an outstanding first concert with Central Springs. 

Administrative reports were heard from Board President Schillings who talked about the auditors being on site at the end of November, she also talked about how fast AI is coming and how we decipher from what is real and what is AI generated. Principal Ken Estes shared about winter sports, how the student council went to the Mason City Salvation Army to help sort and display Toys for Tots Christmas gifts. He also mentioned that we had 6 students go to Honor Band at Drake University. Principal Brunsvold submitted a report stating that the new process for student end of day pick up at Nora Springs has had a positive impact. She also mentioned that the annual Turkey Bowling took place in November at the Panther Pride Assembly, which is a favorite for students and staff. Principal Hoffman submitted a report in which he talks about how they implemented “THANKS FOR BEING A BUDDY” where slips were handed to students who were demonstrating positive citizenship. He also stated that the intermediate students held their annual Christmas Store where 4th and 5th graders could purchase new/slightly used items for $0.25 this allows students to purchase gifts for family members while also raising proceeds for those in need. Superintendent Lehmann provided an update on the conference alignment, gave an overview on what we currently have for Operational Sharing, and shared the vehicle purchases that we have made with the Grant for WCDA. He also talked about HUDL TV, the ParaEducator Certification, and the Iowa LGRP Annual Report. 

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2024 regular board meeting. To approve the contract for Laci Rye, Paraeducator, and the employee resignations from Elizabeth Larson, Paraeducator; Kaylee Heagel, Assistant Volleyball Coach; Elizabeth Asfahl, High School Science. Motion carried unanimously. 

In New Business a motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $276,643.34, Management- $35,623.50, SAVE- $15,068.85 PPEL - $2,493.59 Activity - $24,877.86, Nutrition - $32,239.54. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler. Roll call vote: Schilling - Aye, Rowe - Aye, Kohler - Aye, Arthur - Aye, and Bermen abstained. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 5:23 p.m. 

The Organizational Meeting of the New Board of Directors was called to order by Secretary Jackie Dalluge at 5:24 p.m. Board members in attendance were Ashley Kohler, Jean Schilling, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur, and Josh Berman. 

Nominations for Board President were requested. Jean Schilling was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Schilling, Arthur –Schilling, Rowe – Schilling, Kohler – Schilling, Berman – Schilling. Jean Schilling was elected Board President and was given the Oath of Office. 

Secretary Dalluge turned the meeting over to President-elect Schilling. 

Nominations for Vice-President were requested. Arthur was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Arthur, Arthur – Arthur, Rowe – Arthur, Kohler – Arthur, Berman – Arthur. Sean Arthur was elected Board Vice-President and was given the Oath of Office. 

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and having Nelson Media Company do some videos of the school. They also discussed dates and times of tours for the public at each campus, an talked about what building upkeep and maintenance would be done with a VPPEL. The board also agreed on where they would like polling locations to be for the VPPEL. 

In New Business, Jackie Dalluge was appointed Board Secretary. Roll call vote: Schilling – Dalluge, Arthur – Dalluge, Rowe – Dalluge, Kohler – Dalluge, Berman – Dalluge. Jackie Dalluge was elected Board Secretary and was given the Oath of Office. 

A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to approve the review of Board Policies Standard Policy Review: 600, 601.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and Second by Rowe to approve the District and the Resolution Ordering Election. Roll Call Vote: Schilling-Aye, Kohler-Aye, Berman-Aye, Rowe-Aye, Arthur-Aye 

Phase 4 Controls Proposal for Nora Springs Campus was approved by Kohler and seconded by Arthur. This is for the 4th phase of upgrading the control system at the Nora Springs campus.

This will address 8 classrooms, an exit area, and two restroom areas. The quote for labor and material is $54,815 for this project. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Rowe and Seconded by Arthur to approve the SBRC request in the amount of $267,600 for Open enrollment out not on prior year’s headcount. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and second by Arthur to approve the SBRC request for English Learners (EL) Instruction Beyond 5 years in the amount of $3,678. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the District Developed Service Delivery Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to approve the NIACC Concurrent Enrollment addition of BUS 122 Emerging Business Pract/Tech. Motion carried unanimously. 

Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leadership Services was at the meeting working with the board on the search process and reviewing the survey results. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the SBRC request for the amount of $149,985 for At-Risk/DOP. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Arthur and Seconded by Kohler to approve the request to waive the 90 Day eligibility period for an Open Enrolled Student. Motion carried unanimously. 

Suggestions for the January 20, 2025 board meeting include the continued discussion of VPPEL. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to go into exempt session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) the board went into an exempt session at 8:15 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to come out of the exempt session. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on January 20, 2025 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________ ___________________________________ Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 12/19/2024 - 08:29

Board Minutes - 2024.01.20

Board Minutes - 2024.01.20

January 20, 2025
The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Middle School Library at Nora Springs on January 20, 2025. The meeting was called to order
at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman,
Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler and Sean Arthur joined via Google Meet. Also present was
Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Brooke Brunsvold, Rob
Hoffman, Deb Hamand, Holly Shook, Kizzy Jansen, and Chris Arians joined via Google Meet.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Public comment was made by Ashley Kohler regarding the Open House tours that are
happening at both the Nora Springs and Manly school buildings and encourages the public to
take time to come to one and ask questions regarding the upcoming VPPEL.
Administrative Reports were heard from Board President Jean Schilling she reported that the
Superintendent search is moving forward nicely and we will be having screening interviews on
January 23rd to pick the finalist. She encourages the public to come to the VPPEL Open
House’s to learn more about how the school district will utilize the funds, Schilling also thanked
WCDA for the generous donation for the school to purchase 2 transit vans and how they have
been a nice addition to our fleet. Rob Hoffman shared how in the month of December there
were 420 noticed random acts of kindness that were turned into the office. Hoffman also stated
that staff are giving the mid-year FAST assessment which will provide teachers with student
growth data when looking back at fall scores and how they have begun their annual training for
ISASP which will be given in April. Brooke Brunsvold talked about the staffing shortage in the
Preschool/Daycare and how we do not have much for a substitute para pool and appreciates
Lori Jost and all the other staff members that have helped with coverage issues after their
normal duties are completed. Brunsvold also shared that the teachers are deep into LETRS
training and emphasizes how proud she is of the teachers. She also mentioned that the 100th
day of school is fast approaching and there will be activities at both campuses to celebrate and
that they are looking forward to having Books and Bingo in February. Ken Estes submitted a
report talking about all the activities going on in the High School as we are about half way
through the winter sport season. He also talked about the workshop that some teachers
participated in regarding addressing student chronic absenteeism. Superintendent Lehmann
shared about IASB Day on the Hill which will be January 27 & 28, and the Public Hearing
Schedule for the Budget Process.
For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes
from the December 16, 2024 regular board meeting and the January 15, 2025 special board
meeting. To approve the contract for Autumn Umburger, High School Science; Stacy Dalluge,
Daycare Worker; Employee Contract Adjustments for Jackie Dalluge, IASBO Agreement for
SBO License; Kristy Bohner, Paraeducator; Employee Resignations for Jovi Nelson, Student
Daycare Worker; Laci Rye, Preschool Paraprofessional; Stacy Dalluge, Daycare Worker. Motion
carried unanimously.

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and Superintendent Lehmann provided a
legislative update.
In New Business a motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Berman to approve the review
of Standard Policies 603.1, 603.2, 603.3, 603.4, 603.5 and Policy Primer Review for 102, 401.1,
401.6, 501.9, 501.9R1, 710.1E1, 710.1R1, 710.1E1, 710.1E2. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Rowe to approve the Paraeducator
Certification which will increase paras wages based on their increased education.Motion carried
A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to approve the Sharing Agreement
with West Fork to share their SBO 25% with Central Springs for the 25-26 school year. Motion
carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to approve the financial statements as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $302,524.12, Management- $1,050.00,
SAVE- $10,220.01, PPEL - $107,437.93, Activity - $14,750.68, Nutrition - $33,500.11. Motion
was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe. Roll call vote: Schilling - Aye, Rowe - Aye, Kohler
- Aye, Arthur - Aye, and Bermen abstained.
Suggestions for the February 17, 2025 board meeting include the continued discussion of
VPPEL and discussion regarding the new Superintendent.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 6:37 p.m.
Under Iowa Code 20.17(3) The board went into an exempt session to discuss negotiations,
strategy meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the
deliberative process of arbitration.
The Board came out of the exempt session at 7:33 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be held on February 17, 2025 in the High School Library in Manly
beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 01/23/2025 - 08:38

Board Minutes - 2024.07.23

Board Minutes - 2024.07.23


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Board Room at Nora Springs on July 23, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice President Ashley Kohler. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann and Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge. President Jean Schilling joined the meeting remotely.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no public comments.

Administrative reports were heard from Superintendent Lehmann who shared that the summer cleaning at Manly has started and is on schedule to be wrapped up at the end of July. He shared updates on the summer building projects that are happening at both campuses and how they are coming along nicely and are on track to be completed on time with the beginning of the school year approaching. He also shared that the HVAC project for air conditioning in the Nora Springs Cafeteria and Band Room have been completed.

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Schilling, seconded by Berman to approve the minutes from the June 17, 2024 regular board meeting. Also approved were employee contracts for Josh Bass as the Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Matt Logeman as the Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, and employee contract adjustments for Jessica Flippo, Sandra Scholbrock, and Becky Viers. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business, discussion of voted PPEL was continued as the board reviewed and discussed the timeline of events for the VPPEL and how they would like to be processed. The board also continued discussion on the online auction consignment agreement, a motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Rowe to approve the online auction consignment agreement from North Iowa Auction Company. Motion carried unanimously.

In New Business a motion was made by Schilling and seconded by Berman to approve the annual review of Board Policies 406.4, 409.1, 412.1, 600, 605.4, 606.1, 606.6, 707.5, 710.1, 711.3, 711.4, 711.5, 804.1, 804.2 and the Policy Primer of 200.4, 206.3, 401.6, 402.3, 501.14, 501.15, 603.1, 607.2, 710.1, 803.2, 501.12, 708. The board also approved the revised 505.1 which was tabled at the June 17, 2024 meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Berman and seconded by Arthur to approve the School Fees for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Berman to approve the Consortium Agreement with Four Oaks for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Schilling and seconded by Rowe to approve Nora Springs/Rockford Register and the Manly Junction Signal as our official publication newspapers. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to appoint our Level 1 and Alternate Level 1 investigators as Brooke Brunsvold, Rob Hoffman, and Ken Estes, and our Level 2 investigators as Aaron Pals and the individuals on the AEA list as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to appoint Ahlers & Cooney as our legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve 1st Security Bank and Trust with a depository limit of $1,500,000 and Iowa School Joint Investment Trust with a depository limit of $8,500,000. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to approve the Shared Special Education Director with Central Rivers for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $782,145.19, Management - $509,938.18, SAVE - $139,530.76, PPEL - $13,308.08, Activity - $18,653.38, Nutrition - $10,457.95. Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Schilling. Motion carried unanimously.

Suggestions for the August 19, 2024 Board Meeting include continued discussion of PPEL and continued talks about CTE’s.

Vice President Kohler adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held on August 19, 2024 in the High School Library in Manly beginning at 6:00 p.m.

adietrich@cent… Wed, 07/24/2024 - 15:12

Board Minutes - 2024.08.19

Board Minutes - 2024.08.19


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on August 19, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Elementary Principal Brooke Brunsvold, Middle School Principal Rob Hoffman, High School Principal Ken Estes, and Athletic Director Brian Fessler.

Motion was made by Joe Rowe and seconded by Josh Berman to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

There were no public comments.

Administrative reports were heard from Brian Fessler regarding the implementation of Bound for school activities as we as a conference transition to a cashless system. Board President Schilling gave kudos to a great welcome back assembly that was held for all staff today. The board heard the principal report from Ken Estes regarding an update on the esports program that will be new to the district this school year. He also shared the increase in participation in the band program and that we have over 100 students that will be participating in fall sports. Principal Hoffman shared the emergency plans for the Nora Springs Campus and the improvements that have been made to continue to keep the building safe and secure. He also shared about how they plan to improve the disciplinary plans in the middle school and how they are excited to have Jazz Band and a Middle School Musical back this year. Principal Hoffman also expressed how impressed he was with the summer cleaning that took place at the Nora Springs Building. Principal Brunsvold gave an update on registration and shared that we have many new families enrolling in our district this year. She also shared possible changes for how the lower elementary students will participate in homecoming festivities to help ensure the overall safety of staff and students. Superintendent Lehmann shared an update on building projects at the Nora Springs Campus and how they will be completed in time for the new school year.

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the July 23, 2024 regular board meeting. Also approved were employee contracts for Brooke Stiles MS Cross Country Coach, Lynx Gregoire & Gibson Metellus Co-Assistant Football Coaches, Josh Bass Assistant Girls Basketball, Steve Rollefson Interim Administrative Assistant (Jackie Dalluge’s Maternity Leave Replacement - past School Business Official), Anna Blair Shared Human Resource Director, Cecelia Hemsworth High School Speech Coach, Jay Jolly Custodian/Bus Driver, Cheri Halfpop, Paraprofessional, and Brenda Trask, Paraprofessional. The board also approved the employee contract adjustments for Allison Day, Contract & Vocal Music and employee resignations from Emily Ford, Para/Substitute Teacher, Kipp Beyer, MS Cross Country, and Jessica Siems, Elementary Secretary. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business there was no old business to review.

In New Business a motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the annual review of Board Policies 506.1, 506.1 R1, 506.1E1, 506.1E2, 506.1E3, 506.1E4, 506.1E5,

506.1E6, 506.1E7, 506.1E8 and the Policy Primer of 505.2, 501.3, 501.9, 501.9 E1 (rescinded), 501.10 (rescinded), 501.10R1 (rescinded), 502.6, & 801.3. Motion carried unanimously. For Board Policy 905.3, a motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to strike Option 1 from IASB recommendations and proceed with Option 2 as presented. Ayes: Kohler, Arthur, and Rowe. Nays: Schilling and Berman.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to approve Concurrent Enrollment Career Link Programs & Courses. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the Secretary Hourly Rate for Sub Calling while the district works to implement a sub caller system. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to approve the Elementary, Middle School and High School Handbooks. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Kohler to terminate the Shared Communications Director Agreement with Forest City Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the Shared Human Resources Agreement with Northwood-Kensett & St. Ansgar. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial statements were presented. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $257,385.42, Management - $98,601.85, SAVE - $5,509.98, PPEL - $1,974.00, Daycare - $1,974.00, Activity - $17,935.60, & Nutrition - $4,732.60. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler. Ayes: Kohler, Schilling, Rowe, and Arthur. Berman abstained.

Suggestions for the September 16, 2024 Board Meeting include options for updating our transportation fleet and conversation regarding PPEL.

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Kohler to adjourn the meeting. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 7:36 p.m.

Our next board meeting will be held on September 16, 2024 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

adietrich@cent… Wed, 08/21/2024 - 08:58

Board Minutes - 2024.09.16

Board Minutes - 2024.09.16


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs on September 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Interim Board Secretary Steven Rollefson, Elementary Principal Brooke Brunsvold, Middle School Principal Rob Hoffman. 

Motion was made by Ashley Kohler and seconded by Joe Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Public comments. Ashley Kohler stated that a concerned parent had contacted her about a current bus stop and bus stop violations. 

Administrative reports - Brooke Brunsvold Elementary Principal reported that over 75% have finished with fall Literacy and Math testing and are working on new requirements of Individualized Reading plans for students who do not reach proficiency in two consecutive testing windows. On September 6th Worth County Farm Bureau hosted their annual Ag Fair/Farm Safety for third graders both Central Springs Manly and Nora Springs students were in attendance. A Homecoming Assembly for the elementary students attended by both campuses came together in the small gym at Manly. All participated in a fun football relay. Upcoming events: October 2 - Healthiest State Walk, Fire Safety Week and Red Ribbon Week. Current Enrollment - Manly Preschool + 6, K-3 + 2, Nora Springs Preschool + 2, K-3 - 7. 

Administrative reports - Rob Hoffman Middle School Principal reported that homeroom teachers continue creating Independent Professional Development Plans that focus on 3-4 students in their homerooms who can benefit from additional support. Homework Assistance continues to be offered each day of the week. Homeroom Teachers are sharing missing homework lists with students every Monday and help them plan for completion. Study halls are provided two times a week. RTI (Response to Intervention is offered daily. Fall Sports 64% of 7th and 8th graders are participating in fall athletics with 39 girls for volleyball and 21 boys in football and two cross country runners. Heat mitigation measures from the IHSAA and IGHSAU that have been discussed. 

Consent Agenda motion was made by Joe Rowe, seconded by Ashley Kohler to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2024 regular board meeting. Also approved were employee contracts for Shelly Sharp, Paraeducator and Melinda Wilson, Elementary Secretary. The board also approved the employee resignations from Brenda Trask, Paraeducatorute and Amanda Stauffacher, Paraeducator. The Board also approved the Volunteer Coaches - Emily Heagel Volleyball and Merile Johnson Volleyball. Motion carried unanimously. 

In Old Business the discussion of the VPPEL contunited.

In New Business a motion was made by Josh Berman and seconded by Ashley Kohler to approve the standard review of Board Policies 506.2, 506.2 R1, 506.2E1, 506.3, 506.4, and the second review of Board Policy 501.9R and the deletion of Board Policy 403.1 Motion carried unanimously. 

The Board reviewed the Standing Committee Assignments for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Motion was made by Ashley Kohler and seconded by Sean Arthur to approve the appointment of Steven Rollefson as the Board Secretary and Business Manager during Jackie Dalluge’s leave. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Joe Rowe and seconded by Josh Berman to approve the Procedures for Support Staff, Teacher Handbook and Daycare Handbook. Motion carried unanimously. 

Board members reviewed the negative Special Education Balance for the past fiscal year. After discussion Joe Rowe made a motion to approve the District requesting spending authority from the SBRC in the amount of $552,242.32. Sean Arthur seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Financial statements were presented. Tabled. 

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $324,696.87, Management - $37,980.50, SAVE - $40,213.45, PPEL - $1,106.43, Expendable Trust, $500.00, Activity - $25,266.65, & Nutrition - $26,001.06. Motion was made by Sean Arthur and seconded by Ashley Kohler. Ayes: Ashley Kohler, Sean Arther, and Joe Rowe. Josh Berman and Jean Schilling abstained. 

Suggestions for the October 2, 2024 Board Meeting include: Project Request from Administration/Department Heads, Equipment Breakdown Report, Facilities Access, HS Athletic Competition at Nora Springs, Middle School Split Seasons, Youth and Club Sports/Use of School Facilities. 

Motion was made by Ashley Kohler and seconded by Sean Arthur to adjourn the meeting. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on October 21, 2024 in the High School Library in Manly beginning at 6:00 p.m.

adietrich@cent… Mon, 09/23/2024 - 08:51

Board Minutes - 2024.10.21

Board Minutes - 2024.10.21


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the  Manly Campus School Library in Manly on October 21, 2024. The meeting was called to order  at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler,  Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann,  Interim Board Secretary Steven Rollefson, Middle School Principal Rob Hoffman, High School  Principal Ken Estes, School Business Official Sara Meinders. 

Motion was made by Sean Arthur and seconded by Ashley Kohler to approve the agenda as  presented. Motion carried unanimously.  

Public comments. On the District Developed Delivery System. There were no public comments. 

Board President report – Jean Schilling reported on Senior Citizen Dinner on November 15th,  thank you note for Dick & Vera Hynes, upcoming IASB convention, and congratulation to Darwin  Lehmann on being Superintendent of the Year. 

Administrative written report - Rob Hoffman Middle School Principal reported the continued  focus on social and emotional wellbeing in the homerooms through the Character Strong  Curriculum. We are working on a social committee for staff in which beginning plans for social  opportunities for staff members during and after school hours in order to continue building a  positive culture. Nurse Kathie assembled an Emergency Response Team of staff volunteers  who would be the first called to a medical emergency in the buildings. Roles and procedures  were defined, and each member was provided a binder with protocols and emergency health  plans. An in-house meeting with Floyd County Emergency Management, local law  enforcement, and RRMR school district was held to review the necessity for clear  communication and procedures in the event of emergencies. We continue to provide students  with lists of missing work in homerooms and during study halls in order to help them stay on top  of their work. Upcoming Events include End of 1st Quarter on October 18, Parent/Teacher  Conferences on October 28 & 29, Senior Citizen Meal on November 15, and Veteran’s Day  Assembly on November 11 (Manly Campus 6-12, Nora Springs Campus K-5). Parent/Teacher  conferences will be scheduled with homeroom teachers. They will share 2024 ISASP results,  1st quarter grades, citizenship scores and elaborate on student performance. Winter athletics  will begin on November 11. There are 6 boys, and 2 girls signed up for wrestling and 20 girls  and 13 boys interested in basketball. 

Administrative report - Ken Estes High School Principal reported the first quarter ends on  Monday, October 21 and Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, October 28 from  1:00 to 6:00 and on Tuesday, October 29 from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Our Professional Development  will focus on Pete Hall’s Reflection Cycle to identify perspective Problems of Practice to then  use in their efforts in creating solutions of identified problems. FFA had six teams participate in  the District FFA Soils Contest at Fort Dodge. We had one gold team, two silver teams and three 

bronze teams. FFA fruit sales will run through November 6th with orders delivered the week of  December 9th. Thirteen FFA members will attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis,  Indiana on October 22 to 26th. The Student Council is in the process of deciding between  hosting a formal dance or more relaxed sweatpants dance this winter. In November the kitchen  staff will host a Senior Citizen Thanksgiving meal. The National Honor Society conducted their  annual election of officers: President: Bavin Ryner, Vice-President: Jordis Waitek, Secretary:  Zari McDonough, Treasurer: Abby Pippert. High School Band just wrapped up the fall Pep  Band season and will Kick off Concert Band and well as Winter Pep Band. Chorus has been  working hard on the production of Disney’s Camp Rock. eSpots standings and statistics can be  viewed at the following links, Central Springs LeagueOS and eSports Rosters. 

Administrative report – Brooke Brunsvold Elementary Principal reported on Fast Data scores  and the need to have improvement. Reading plans and interventions with progress reports  every six weeks. K – 8 literacy, Win Time, and students to NIACC on Friday.  

Superintendent’s Report - Superintendent Lehmann provided an update with facility projects,  Certified Enrollment, Free & Reduced Rate, Chronic Absenteeism & Truancy Guidance from the  DE, At-risk Dropout report from IASB, WCDA request, Equipment Breakdown Update, Facilities  Access for Adults, Youth Sports & District Responsibilities, High School Activities at Nora  Srpings, Middle School Split Season, Donation by Dick and Very Hynes (Manly Entry). 

Consent Agenda motion was made by Ashley Kohler seconded by Josh Berman to approve the  minutes from the September 16, 2024, regular board meeting. The board also approved the  employee resignations from Alexandria Schiff, HS Daycare Helper, Angela Holt, MS Volleyball  Coach, Josh Bass, MS Football Coach, and Missy Schmidt, MS Volleyball Coach.   The Board also approved four early graduation requests. Motion carried unanimously.  

In Old Business the discussion of the VPPEL continued with Superintendent Lehmann providing  a list of potential projects from the directors and principals. 

In New Business: The Behne family would like to request that the Board consider the district  pick-up/drop off their children by pulling into their drive on Balsam Avenue. The request was  evaluated by Coy, Sergeant Deunow and Sup’t Lehmann with it being determined that this  location is not any more dangerous than other locations. After discussion, Josh Berman moved  to approve the request. Ashley Kohler seconded the motion. Ayes: Ashley Kohler, Josh  Berman, Sean Arthur w/exception. Nayes: Joe Rowe, Jean Schilling. Carried.  

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the following Board Policies. After discussion a motion was  made by Ashley Kohler and second by Joe Rowe to approve the standard review of Board  Policies 507.1, 507.2, 507.3, 507.4, 507.5. Motion carried unanimously. 

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the Board Policies and Primers. After discussion a motion  was made by Ashley Kohler and seconded by Sean Arthur to approve the standard review of  Policy Primer Review of 502.10, 601.1, 700. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the English Language Learner Plan that needs to be  approved by the Board. After discussion Josh Berman moved to approve the plan. Sean Arthur  seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the MOU with NIACC for College and Career Transition  Counselor. The position would be in our district two days per week and working with Amy  Fessler and Ken Estes focused on concurrent enrollment, college and career planning, and  building our apprenticeship/work-based programs. After discussion Joe Rowe moved to  approve the plan. Sean Arthur seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Sara reviewed the Transportation report with Board members. After discussion Sean Arthur  moved to approve the plan. Joe Rowe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the sharing agreements with the Forest City Community  School District that they do not plan to share the School Business Official and Superintendent  position for the 2025-2026 school year.  

Superintendent Lehmann reviewed the English Language Learner Contract with the AEA. The  contract is a cost of ($86 per hour) and is an effective solution for the district as well as  providing the appropriate support for our EEL students. After discussion Joe Rowe moved to  approve the plan. Josh Berman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Sara reviewed the Financial Health Report and Certified Annual Report with the Board. After  discussion Sean Arthur moved to approve the plan. Ashley Kohler seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously. 

President Schilling reviewed the use of a search firm in the process of finding a new  Superintendent. After discussion Ashley Kohler moved to approve Trent Grundmeyer of  Grundmeyer Leader Services for the search. Josh Berman seconded the motion. Motion  carried unanimously. 

Sara reviewed the financial statements that were presented. After discussion Josh Berman  moved to approve the plan. Joe Rowe seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $245248.66, Management - $5,000.00,  SAVE - $254607.56, PPEL - $2919.64, Expendable Trust, $0, Activity - $22,627.11, & Nutrition -  $41,090.87. Motion was made by Sean Arthur and seconded by Ashley Kohler. Ayes: Ashley  Kohler, Sean Arther, and Joe Rowe. Josh Berman and Jean Schilling abstained. 

Suggestions for the November 18, 2024, Board Meeting include Youth Sports, Superintendent  search, Nora Springs activities.

Motion was made by Sean Arthur and seconded by Josh Berman to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried unanimously. 

President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:02 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on November 18, 2024, in the Middle School Library in  Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m. 



 Jean Schilling, Board President Steven Rollefson, Interim Board Secretary 

adietrich@cent… Wed, 10/23/2024 - 10:02

Board Minutes - 2024.11.18

Board Minutes - 2024.11.18


The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on December 16, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur and Ashley Kohler. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Communication/HR Director Anna Blair, Brooke Brunsvold, Ken Estes, Dalcy Lorentzen, Barb Shafer, Deb Hamand, and Roger Wilcox. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Public comment was made by Ashley Kohler regarding the Elementary Music Concert and the amount of positive feedback she has received and a kudos to Miss Day on an outstanding first concert with Central Springs. 

Administrative reports were heard from Board President Schillings who talked about the auditors being on site at the end of November, she also talked about how fast AI is coming and how we decipher from what is real and what is AI generated. Principal Ken Estes shared about winter sports, how the student council went to the Mason City Salvation Army to help sort and display Toys for Tots Christmas gifts. He also mentioned that we had 6 students go to Honor Band at Drake University. Principal Brunsvold submitted a report stating that the new process for daycare drop off and pick up at Nora Springs has had a positive impact. She also mentioned that the annual Turkey Bowling took place in November at the Panther Pride Assembly, which is a favorite for students and staff. Principal Hoffman submitted a report in which he talks about how they implemented “THANKS FOR BEING A BUDDY” where slips were handed to students who were demonstrating positive citizenship. He also stated that the intermediate students held their annual Christmas Store where 4th and 5th graders could purchase new/slightly used items for $0.25 this allows students to purchase gifts for family members while also raising proceeds for those in need. Superintendent Lehmann provided an update on the conference alignment, gave an overview on what we currently have for Operational Sharing, and shared the vehicle purchases that we have made with the Grant for WCDA. He also talked about HUDL TV, the ParaEducator Certification, and the Iowa LGRP Annual Report. 

For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2024 regular board meeting. To approve the contract for Laci Rye, Paraeducator, and the employee resignations from Elizabeth Larson, Paraeducator; Kaylee Heagel, Assistant Volleyball Coach; Elizabeth Asfahl, High School Science. Motion carried unanimously. 

In New Business a motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $276,643.34, Management- $35,623.50, SAVE- $15,068.85 PPEL - $2,493.59 Activity - $24,877.86, Nutrition - $32,239.54. Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler. Roll call vote: Schilling - Aye, Rowe - Aye, Kohler - Aye, Arthur - Aye, and Bermen abstained. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 5:23 p.m. 

The Organizational Meeting of the New Board of Directors was called to order by Secretary Jackie Dalluge at 5:24 p.m. Board members in attendance were Ashley Kohler, Jean Schilling, Joe Rowe, Sean Arthur, and Josh Berman. 

Nominations for Board President were requested. Jean Schilling was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Schilling, Arthur –Schilling, Rowe – Schilling, Kohler – Schilling, Berman – Schilling. Jean Schilling was elected Board President and was given the Oath of Office. 

Secretary Dalluge turned the meeting over to President-elect Schilling. 

Nominations for Vice-President were requested. Arthur was nominated. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Schilling – Arthur, Arthur – Arthur, Rowe – Arthur, Kohler – Arthur, Berman – Arthur. Sean Arthur was elected Board Vice-President and was given the Oath of Office. 

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and having Nelson Media Company do some videos of the school. They also discussed dates and times of tours for the public at each campus, an talked about what building upkeep and maintenance would be done with a VPPEL. The board also agreed on where they would like polling locations to be for the VPPEL. 

In New Business, Jackie Dalluge was appointed Board Secretary. Roll call vote: Schilling – Dalluge, Arthur – Dalluge, Rowe – Dalluge, Kohler – Dalluge, Berman – Dalluge. Jackie Dalluge was elected Board Secretary and was given the Oath of Office. 

A motion was made by Berman and seconded by Kohler to approve the review of Board Policies Standard Policy Review: 600, 601.1, 601.2, 602.1, 602.2, 602.3. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and Second by Rowe to approve the District and the Resolution Ordering Election. Roll Call Vote: Schilling-Aye, Kohler-Aye, Berman-Aye, Rowe-Aye, Arthur-Aye 

Phase 4 Controls Proposal for Nora Springs Campus was approved by Kohler and seconded by Arthur. This is for the 4th phase of upgrading the control system at the Nora Springs campus.

This will address 8 classrooms, an exit area, and two restroom areas. The quote for labor and material is $54,815 for this project. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Rowe and Seconded by Arthur to approve the SBRC request in the amount of $267,600 for Open enrollment out not on prior year’s headcount. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Berman and second by Arthur to approve the SBRC request for English Learners (EL) Instruction Beyond 5 years in the amount of $3,678. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to approve the District Developed Service Delivery Plan. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to approve the NIACC Concurrent Enrollment addition of BUS 122 Emerging Business Pract/Tech. Motion carried unanimously. 

Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leadership Services was at the meeting working with the board on the search process and reviewing the survey results. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the SBRC request for the amount of $149,985 for At-Risk/DOP. Motion carried unanimously. 

A motion was made by Arthur and Seconded by Kohler to approve the request to waive the 90 Day eligibility period for an Open Enrolled Student. Motion carried unanimously. 

Suggestions for the January 20, 2025 board meeting include the continued discussion of VPPEL. 

A motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to go into exempt session per Iowa Code 20.17(3) the board went into an exempt session at 8:15 p.m. to discuss negotiations. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to come out of the exempt session. Motion carried unanimously. 

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on January 20, 2025 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________      ___________________________________

Jean Schilling, Board President                        Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 11/21/2024 - 09:18

Board Minutes - 2025.02.17

Board Minutes - 2025.02.17

17, 2025
The public hearing for the 2025-2026 School Calendar was opened at 6:00 p.m. President Schilling
asked for comments; there were none. Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Berman the hearing
closed at 6:01 p.m.
The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High
School Library at Manly on February 17, 2025. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by
President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Sean Arthur and Josh Berman, joining
via Google Meet were Board members Joe Rowe and Ashley Kohler. Also present were
Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, SBO Sara Meinders, Brooke
Brunsvold, Kelly Arthur, Brody Arthur, and Cooper Arthur. Wade Grinhaug, Chris Arians and Bill Shafer
joined via Google Meet.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the agenda as presented with the
addition of the FFA Leadership Conference. Motion carried unanimously.
Public comment was made by Josh Berman regarding the commencement speakers, and how he has
heard people would like the valedictorian to make a speech.
Administrative Reports were heard from Board President Jean Schilling as she thanked the community
for their support and welcomed Wade Grinhaug to Central Springs. She also talked about the VPPEL
and how you can no longer request absentee ballots by mail, but you can go to the courthouse in your
county and vote early. Brooke Brunsvold talked about the FAST scores in the elementary and how they
will have Books and Bingo again on Feb 20th and Feb 24th. She also mentioned that Conferences are
coming up in the first week of March as well as Read Across America Week. Brunsvold also talked
about Preschool and Kindergarten sign ups being open for about a week and how we have had a good
amount of students already registered. Rob Hoffman submitted a report on the middle school in which
he talked about ISASP testing which will be happening when we return from Spring Break in March. He
also talked about how the 8th Grades went to Discover Day at NIACC. Students had the opportunity to
explore careers helping the students set personal and academic goals and develop their four-year high
school plans. Ken Estes also submitted his report to the board in that he talks about how the band is
preparing for their annual Band Extravaganza with this year's theme being music from/inspired by the
Old West. He also mentions that on March 1st we will have students compete in district level FFA in
Charles City as well as Individual Speech Competitions being held in West Hancock. Darwin Lehmann
talked about how is talking with Wade Grinhaug weekly to help with his transition into the district as
superintendent in July. Lehmann also talked about community building use and how eventually Bound
will replace the scheduling aspect and it will help ensure that the doors are unlocked and locked when
they need to be.
For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the
Regular Board meeting on January 20, the Special Board meeting on January 23, and the three Special
Board meetings on February 3. The Employee Contracts for Meriel Johnson, Head Volleyball Coach;
LuAnn Pommrehn, Paraeducator; Wade Grinhaug, Superintendent Contract, Relocation Agreement.
The Employee Contract Adjustments for Kelly Anderson, Para Certification; Anna Dotzler, Para
Certification; Rebecca Petersen, Para Certification and the Employee Resignations for Melissa
Schmidt, K-3 Special Education Teacher; Cassie Rowell, Prom Advisor. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and Superintendent Lehmann provided a legislative
In New Business a motion was made by Berman and seconded by Rowe to approve the review of
Standard Policies 603.5, 603.5 E1, 603.6, 603.7, 603.8, 603.8R1, 603.9, 603.9R1, 603.10, 603.1.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the WCDA Budget for 2025-2026.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the ED Consulting Agreement -
North Central Iowa Education Consortium. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Berman and seconded Kohler to approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
Motion carried unanimously.
SBO Sara Meinders presented a draft of the 2025-2026 Budget and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment to
the Board.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded Berman to approve the public hearing dates for the
2025-2026 Proposed Tax Rate, 2025-2026 Budget, and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment. April 7th, 2025
will be the Public Hearing for the Proposed Tax Rate at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly.
April 21, 2025 will be the Public Hearing on 2025-2026 Budget and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment at
6:00 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the financial statements as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $559,847.59, Management- $1,997.00, SAVE-
$7,115.85, PPEL - $8,510.07, Steben’s Scholarship - $3,000 Activity - $21,872.95, Nutrition -
$39,059.49. Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Kohler. Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the request for 8 students to attend
the FFA Leadership Conference in Washington. Motion carried unanimously
Suggestions for the March 17, 2025 board meeting include reviewing the budget and following up on
the valedictorian being commencement speakers.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.
Under Iowa Code 20.17(3) The board went into an exempt session to discuss negotiations, strategy
meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of
The Board came out of the exempt session at 7:52 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be held on March 17, 2025 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs
beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________      ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                      Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 02/20/2025 - 10:18

Special Board Minutes - 2024.10.30

Special Board Minutes - 2024.10.30


The Special Board Meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High School Library in Manly on October 30, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Ashley Kohler, Josh Berman, Joe Rowe, and Sean Arthur. Also present were Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, Trent Grundmeyer, and Kris Kenison. 

The Board of Education met with Trent Grundmeyer, from Grundmeyer Leader Services in regards to the superintendent search process; they worked on a timeline for the hiring process and discussed possible salary and compensation packages. 

President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. 

Our next board meeting will be held on November 18, 2024 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs beginning at 6:00 p.m.

________________________ ______________________________

Jean Schilling, Board President Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Mon, 11/04/2024 - 16:10

Special Board Minutes - 2025.01.15

Special Board Minutes - 2025.01.15

MINUTES - January 15, 2025
The Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Board Room at Nora Springs on January 15, 2025. The meeting was called to order at 6:00
p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe
Rowe, Sean Arthur and Ashley Kohler. Also present were Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge and
Communication/HR Director Anna Blair. Chris Arians and Bill Shafer joined via Google Meet at
6:10 p.m.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Trent Grundmeyer from Grundmeyer Leader Services was present at the meeting to discuss
the Superintendent Search schedule for January 23rd and February 3rd. He presented a
slideshow which gave a broad overview of the 9 applicants that applied to our superintendent
search that closed on January 5th. He also talked about the schedule for candidate interviews
on February 3, 2025.
Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to move into closed session to review the
Superintendent Candidates according to Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i). Motion carried unanimously.
The board entered closed session at 6:25 p.m.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to come out of closed session at 8:20
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m.



adietrich@cent… Fri, 01/17/2025 - 12:03

Special Meeting Agenda - 2025.01.23

Special Meeting Agenda - 2025.01.23

January 23, 2025
The Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Conference Room at Nora Springs on January 23, 2025. The meeting was called to order at
5:00 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe
Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Sean Arthur. Also present was Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, HR
Anna Blair, and Roger Wilcox from Grundmeyer Leader Services.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to go into closed session to screen
semi-finalist candidates for the superintendent position according to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i).
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to come out of exempt session at 9:36
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m.

_________________________________         ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                          Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Mon, 01/27/2025 - 14:45

Special Meeting Agenda - 2025.02.03 (3 meetings)

Special Meeting Agenda - 2025.02.03 (3 meetings)

February 3, 2025
The Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Superintendent's Office in Manly on February 3, 2025. The meeting was called to order at 3:30
p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe
Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Sean Arthur. Also present was Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge and
HR Anna Blair.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Arthur to go into closed session at 3:32 p.m. to
evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance,
or discharge is being considered when a closed session is necessary to prevent needless and
irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i). Motion carried unanimously.
The board took a 15 minute recess at 4:45 p.m. and came back at 5:00 p.m.
The board took a 15 minute recess at 6:30 p.m. and came back at 6:45 p.m.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to come out of exempt session at 7:09 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to extend an offer to a superintendent
candidate. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

_________________________________         ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                         Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary



February 3, 2025
The Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Superintendent's Office in Manly on February 3, 2025. The meeting was called to order at 2:15
p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe
Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Sean Arthur. Also present was Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge and
HR Anna Blair.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Berman and seconded by Arthur to go into closed session at 2:16 p.m. to
evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance,
or discharge is being considered when a closed session is necessary to prevent needless and
irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i). Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to come out of exempt session at 3:25
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Arthur to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 3:26 p.m.

_________________________________         ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                          Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary



February 3, 2025
The Special Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the
Superintendent's Office in Manly on February 3, 2025. The meeting was called to order at
12:55 p.m. by President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Josh Berman, Joe
Rowe, Ashley Kohler, and Sean Arthur. Also present was Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge and
HR Anna Blair.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to go into closed session at 12:58 p.m. to
evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance,
or discharge is being considered when a closed session is necessary to prevent needless and
irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i). Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to come out of exempt session at 1:54
p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion was made by Kohler and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion
carried unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m.

_________________________________        ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                        Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary

adietrich@cent… Thu, 02/06/2025 - 15:10




Use the links below to view Board Minutes prior to June 30, 2021.

Archived Board Minutes


Jen@iowaschool… Sat, 06/04/2022 - 16:35




Click on the links below to find board meeting minutes for the 2021-22 school year.

Jen@iowaschool… Sat, 06/04/2022 - 16:47

Board Minutes - 2021.07.20

Board Minutes - 2021.07.20 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:44
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.08.16

Board Minutes - 2021.08.16 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:43
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.09.15

Board Minutes - 2021.09.15 Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/14/2022 - 12:56
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.09.23

Board Minutes - 2021.09.23 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:43
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.10.18

Board Minutes - 2021.10.18 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:44
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.11.15

Board Minutes - 2021.11.15 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:44
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2021.12.14

Board Minutes - 2021.12.14 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:45
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.01.04

Board Minutes - 2022.01.04 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:45
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.01.17

Board Minutes - 2022.01.17 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:48
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.02.07

Board Minutes - 2022.02.07 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:46
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.03.10

Board Minutes - 2022.03.10 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:46
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.03.21

Board Minutes - 2022.03.21 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:46
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.04.12

Board Minutes - 2022.04.12 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:47
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.04.18

Board Minutes - 2022.04.18 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:47
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.05.16

Board Minutes - 2022.05.16 Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/06/2022 - 12:48
File Attachments

Board Minutes - 2022.06.20

Board Minutes - 2022.06.20 kheidemann@cen… Fri, 06/24/2022 - 08:01