Board Agenda - 2025.02.17




TIME/DATE: Monday, February 17, 2025 6:00 p.m.


LOCATION: Manly Campus Library


Board of Education: Jean Schilling (President), Sean Arthur (Vice President), Joe Rowe, Ashley Kohler, Josh Berman 

Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge Superintendent Darwin Lehmann  



PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: The Central Springs Community School Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the 2025-2026 school year calendar on Monday, February 17, 2025 at the Manly High School Library, 105 S East Street, Manly, Iowa. The public hearing will start at 6:00 p.m. At the time and place set for the public hearing, interested individuals will be given the opportunity to express their views, both orally and in writing, on the proposed 2025-2026 school year calendar which has school starting on Monday, August 25, 2025, for a total of 180 student days.


  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum

  2. Additions To and Approval of Agenda

  3. Public Comments

  4. Administrative Reports (I)

    1. Board President Report and Comments

    2. Administrator Reports 

    3. Superintendent’s Report:

  5. Consent Agenda (D.R.)

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Personnel

      1. Employee Contracts

      2. Employee Contract Adjustments

      3. Employee Resignations

      4. Employee Unpaid Leave Request

      5. Fundraising Request

      6. Early Graduation Requests 

      7. Donations

  6. Old Business

    1. 2025 Legislative Priorities  (I)

    2. VPPEL (I)

  7. New Business.

    1. Board Policy Review (D.R.)

    2. WCDA Budget  (D.R.)

    3. EDConsulting Agreement - North Central Iowa Education Consortium (D.R.)

    4. 2025-2026 School Calendar (D.R.)

    5. 2025 -2026 Budget and 2024 -2025 Budget Amendment (I)

    6. Set Public Hearing Dates for 2025-2026 Proposed Tax Rate, 2025-2026 Budget, and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment (D.R.)

    7. Approve Financial Statements (D.R.)

    8. Approve the Bills  (D.R.)

  8. Suggestions for the March 17, 2025 Board Meeting



Exempt Session:  Under Iowa Code 20.17(3) the board will go into exempt session to discuss negotiations, strategy meeting of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of arbitration.  


(I)=Informational (D.R.)=Decision Required