Board Agenda - 2023.04.17




TIME/DATE: April 17, 2023, 5:30 p.m.


LOCATION: Manly Campus Library


Board of Education: Dave Luett (President), Jean Schilling (Vice President), Lori Ginapp, Ashley Kohler, Joe Rowe, Board Secretary Gwen Mellmann, Superintendent Darwin Lehmann 



Public Hearing at 5:30 p.m. for the following:  Proposed 23-24 Budget and Resolution to Expend Funds to the District’s Flexibility Account.


  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Additions To and Approval of Agenda
  3. Public Comments
  4. Administrative Reports (I)
    1. Board President Report and Comments
    2. Administrator Reports
    3. Superintendent’s Report
  5. Consent Agenda (D.R.)
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. March 20, 2023
    2. Personnel
      1. Employee Contracts
      2. Employee Contract Adjustments
      3. Employee Resignations
      4. Employee Unpaid Leave Request
      5. Fundraising Request
      6. Early Graduation Request
      7. Donations
  6. Old Business
    1. 2023 Legislative Priorities (I)
    2. Tractor and Accessories (D.R.)
  7. New Business
    1. Board Policy Review (D.R.)
    2. Timberline Medicaid Billing Service contract for 2023-2024
    3. Consortium Agreement for the North Iowa Therapeutic Instructional Consortium
    4. 23-24 Proposed Budget (D.R.)
    5. Resolution to Expend Funds to the District's Flexibility Account (D.R.)
    6. Approve the Financial Statements (D.R.)
    7. Approve the Bills  (D.R.)
  8. Suggestions for the May 15, 2023 Board Meeting


Closed Session:  Closed session to discuss the sale of real estate pursuant to Iowa Code  21.5(1)(j)




(I)=Informational                        (D.R.)=Decision Required