Board Minutes - 2025.02.17

17, 2025
The public hearing for the 2025-2026 School Calendar was opened at 6:00 p.m. President Schilling
asked for comments; there were none. Motion was made by Arthur, seconded by Berman the hearing
closed at 6:01 p.m.
The Regular Board meeting for the Central Springs Community School Board was held in the High
School Library at Manly on February 17, 2025. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by
President Jean Schilling. Other Board members present were Sean Arthur and Josh Berman, joining
via Google Meet were Board members Joe Rowe and Ashley Kohler. Also present were
Superintendent Darwin Lehmann, Board Secretary Jackie Dalluge, SBO Sara Meinders, Brooke
Brunsvold, Kelly Arthur, Brody Arthur, and Cooper Arthur. Wade Grinhaug, Chris Arians and Bill Shafer
joined via Google Meet.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the agenda as presented with the
addition of the FFA Leadership Conference. Motion carried unanimously.
Public comment was made by Josh Berman regarding the commencement speakers, and how he has
heard people would like the valedictorian to make a speech.
Administrative Reports were heard from Board President Jean Schilling as she thanked the community
for their support and welcomed Wade Grinhaug to Central Springs. She also talked about the VPPEL
and how you can no longer request absentee ballots by mail, but you can go to the courthouse in your
county and vote early. Brooke Brunsvold talked about the FAST scores in the elementary and how they
will have Books and Bingo again on Feb 20th and Feb 24th. She also mentioned that Conferences are
coming up in the first week of March as well as Read Across America Week. Brunsvold also talked
about Preschool and Kindergarten sign ups being open for about a week and how we have had a good
amount of students already registered. Rob Hoffman submitted a report on the middle school in which
he talked about ISASP testing which will be happening when we return from Spring Break in March. He
also talked about how the 8th Grades went to Discover Day at NIACC. Students had the opportunity to
explore careers helping the students set personal and academic goals and develop their four-year high
school plans. Ken Estes also submitted his report to the board in that he talks about how the band is
preparing for their annual Band Extravaganza with this year's theme being music from/inspired by the
Old West. He also mentions that on March 1st we will have students compete in district level FFA in
Charles City as well as Individual Speech Competitions being held in West Hancock. Darwin Lehmann
talked about how is talking with Wade Grinhaug weekly to help with his transition into the district as
superintendent in July. Lehmann also talked about community building use and how eventually Bound
will replace the scheduling aspect and it will help ensure that the doors are unlocked and locked when
they need to be.
For Consent Agenda motion was made by Kohler, seconded by Arthur to approve the minutes from the
Regular Board meeting on January 20, the Special Board meeting on January 23, and the three Special
Board meetings on February 3. The Employee Contracts for Meriel Johnson, Head Volleyball Coach;
LuAnn Pommrehn, Paraeducator; Wade Grinhaug, Superintendent Contract, Relocation Agreement.
The Employee Contract Adjustments for Kelly Anderson, Para Certification; Anna Dotzler, Para
Certification; Rebecca Petersen, Para Certification and the Employee Resignations for Melissa
Schmidt, K-3 Special Education Teacher; Cassie Rowell, Prom Advisor. Motion carried unanimously.

In Old Business the board discussed VPPEL and Superintendent Lehmann provided a legislative
In New Business a motion was made by Berman and seconded by Rowe to approve the review of
Standard Policies 603.5, 603.5 E1, 603.6, 603.7, 603.8, 603.8R1, 603.9, 603.9R1, 603.10, 603.1.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Rowe to approve the WCDA Budget for 2025-2026.
Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to approve the ED Consulting Agreement -
North Central Iowa Education Consortium. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Berman and seconded Kohler to approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar.
Motion carried unanimously.
SBO Sara Meinders presented a draft of the 2025-2026 Budget and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment to
the Board.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded Berman to approve the public hearing dates for the
2025-2026 Proposed Tax Rate, 2025-2026 Budget, and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment. April 7th, 2025
will be the Public Hearing for the Proposed Tax Rate at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly.
April 21, 2025 will be the Public Hearing on 2025-2026 Budget and 2024-2025 Budget Amendment at
6:00 p.m. in the High School Library in Manly. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the financial statements as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Board bills were presented in the amount of: General - $559,847.59, Management- $1,997.00, SAVE-
$7,115.85, PPEL - $8,510.07, Steben’s Scholarship - $3,000 Activity - $21,872.95, Nutrition -
$39,059.49. Motion was made by Rowe and seconded by Kohler. Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Kohler to approve the request for 8 students to attend
the FFA Leadership Conference in Washington. Motion carried unanimously
Suggestions for the March 17, 2025 board meeting include reviewing the budget and following up on
the valedictorian being commencement speakers.
Motion was made by Arthur and seconded by Berman to adjourn the Board Meeting. Motion carried
unanimously. President Schilling adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.
Under Iowa Code 20.17(3) The board went into an exempt session to discuss negotiations, strategy
meetings of public employees or employee organizations, mediation and the deliberative process of
The Board came out of the exempt session at 7:52 p.m.
Our next board meeting will be held on March 17, 2025 in the Middle School Library in Nora Springs
beginning at 6:00 p.m.

_________________________________      ___________________________________
Jean Schilling, Board President                      Jackie Dalluge, Board Secretary